- Speckled spinetailn. 点斑针尾雀
- Her apron was speckled with oil. 她的围裙上粘满了油污。
- The village houses are speckled on the grassland. 绿色的草原上点缀着几间村舍。
- Speckled quails rustled in the underbrush. 鹌鹑在矮树丛里沙沙作响。
- My speckled dog has just got killed. 我的斑点狗刚刚死了。
- Semidouble-double pink/wide orchid speckled edge. 半重瓣到重瓣的粉红色花,宽的兰花色镶边。
- Speckled surfaces, cotton tweeds and flecked yarns. 斑斑点点的织物表面,麻灰纱和棉织斜纹厚棉布。
- The hen layed three beautiful speckled eggs. 母鸡下了3 枚蛋壳上有小斑点的漂亮鸡蛋。
- Is My inheritance a speckled bird of prey to Me? 9我的产业,对于我岂是斑点的鸷鸟么?
- Speckled Band went to the front and stayed there. 斑点带子跑在最前头并且保持优势。
- The wall had a spotty speckled effect. 墙面给人的感觉是斑点满布。
- Listen Oh, bringing a moonlight speckled night sky. 听呵,皎洁的月光洒满夜空。
- The snippets of aluminum give it an original,speckled appearance. 斑斑点点的外型,是因为中间掺杂了一些铝片。
- A roughened or speckled surface imparted to glass or metal. 毛面玻璃或金属粗糙或有斑点的表面
- Earthenware with a speckled glaze resembling granite. 花岗岩花纹陶器陶器上有类似花岗岩斑点的釉料
- The snippets of aluminum give it an original, speckled appearance. 斑斑点点的外型,是因为中间掺杂了一些铝片。
- Some are plain, some are colorful, some speckled or scribbled. 有白色的,有彩色的,也杂斑的。
- European tree bearing edible small speckled brown fruit. 欧洲的树种,带有可食用的小斑点的褐色的果实。
- Rice, Pulses, Spices, pumpkin seed, long speckled kidney bea... 也门公司求购大米,豆类,香辛料,南瓜子,斑芸豆
- Scape rather short;bracts ca. 5, speckled with purplish brown. 苞片约的5,有星星点点的略带紫色的棕色。