- Spangled Cotingan. 闪亮伞鸟
- His blue eyes were spangled at once. 他那双蓝眼睛一下子亮了起来。
- The sky was spangled with stars. 天空闪烁着星星。
- Lights spangled the night skyline. 灯光点亮了夜空。
- The spangled sea below wants me to fall. 脚下光芒闪烁的大海,想让我倒下。
- Who wrote the xStar - Spangled Banner? 问:谁写美国国歌?
- The standard of the United States is the Star Spangled Banner. 合众国的旗帜是星条旗。
- The spangled landscape glitters with drops of dew after the shower. 陈雨后的露珠在画中的景物上熠熠发光。
- The star?spangled banner and the tricolore fly side by side above the building. 医院大楼上星条旗和三色旗并肩飘扬。
- The star spangled banner and the tricolore fly side by side above the building. 医院大楼上星条旗和三色旗并肩飘扬。
- It was a gorgeous night, with a clear sky spangled with northern stars. 这是一个美丽的夜晚,晴朗的夜空闪耀着北方的繁星。
- Marines raised an American flag to the tune of the Star Spangled Banner. 美国海军在乐声中升起了美国星旗。
- In the pale blue sky, you could sense the cold all spangled with yellow. 在淡蓝色的天空中,恍若可以分辨出点染了金黄色的寒气。
- The sky is spangled with stars. 天空星光灿烂。
- Cotinga journal tables of contents and some feature articles, bulletin board, conservation awards, sales, news, and photos. 网站简介:UK-based club for birds and birding in South America; Central America; and the Caribbean.
- When the“Star - Spangled Banner” is played, everyone must stand up and remove his hat. 当奏美国国歌时,大家都应该起立并且脱帽。
- Nearby was a large, handsome house with its ample front illuminated in the same way, and above its roof floated the Star Spangled banner of America. 附近有着漂亮的大楼,轩朗的门面也是照的通明,屋顶上飘扬着美国星条旗。
- We know the line-up of every baseball team in the American and National Leagues but don't know half the words of the "Star Spangled Banner. 美国人可以了解全国联赛中每一场棒球比赛的阵容,却不能完整地说出"星条旗"这几个字。
- Her eyes were laughing behind her veil, and her teeth sparkling, and the velvet of her habit was blue and spangled with raindrops. 她的眼睛在面纱后面露着笑容,牙齿闪着光,天鹅绒长袍是蓝色的,雨珠像闪光的饰片一样缀在上面。
- Some motorcycle taxi drivers proudly fly the star spangled banner in place of the Ugandan flag which normally adorns their wing-mirror. 一些摩的司机骄傲的悬挂美国的星条旗飞驰着,代替了乌干达国旗装饰在后视镜上。