- Southern mountain forest cover in the main vegetation. 南部山区植被以森林覆盖为主。
- Li northern Mongolian Plateau, Calophyllum southern mountain exhibition. 蒙古高原北疆立,琼崖山地南国展。
- Morning free. Afternoon we will tour to Southern Mountain Pastureland and Yurt Visit. 早上自由活动,下午乘车赴南山牧场参观游览,感受哈萨克毡房的独特魅力。
- As I pick chrysanthemums beneath the eastern fence, my eyes fall leisurely on the Southern Mountain. 采菊东篱下,悠然见南山
- Mother-in-law, may you live as long as the Southern Mountains! 亲家母,我们祝您寿比南山!
- Either in the warm southern mountain area or on the frozen northern grassland, stuff like Gongfu tea, buttered tea and milk tea are all among the favorite drinks. 不论是在温和潮湿的南方山区,还是冰天雪地的北方草原,工夫茶、酥油茶、奶茶都是人们特别喜爱的饮品。
- Its main contents is as follows: Yinchuan plain , the neighbour area of railway and highway , the southern mountain area are the so - called three regions. 也就是说要按照银川平原、铁路公路沿线、南部偏远山区三大空间,分区域指导宁夏城镇化战略的布局。
- In southern mountain of Shiyang valley used the methods of afforestation and closing off sand to protection it;in oasis plain of Shiyang valley used sustainable agr... 阐述了石羊河流域祁连山区实行造林和封育措施,绿洲平原区实行节水型持续农业的系统环境整治的技术措施与意见。
- Under the statement of several typical wood oil plants and exploitation situation in southern mountain areas of China,the developmental advices were brought forward. 在介绍我国南方山区代表性的几种木本油料植物及其开发现状的基础上,提出了今后的发展建议。
- In Sanya, at the southernmost tip of China, a massive, elegant Buddhist temple has been erected. On a nearby man-made island, a statue of Southern Mountain Avalokitesvara, 108 meters tall, will be built, rivaling the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor. 中国最南端的城市三亚,依山濒海新建了规模宏大、环境优雅的南山寺,现正在填海修建108米高的“南山观音”,与纽约的自由女神像相媲美。
- County than the lack of water, the main tributary rivers turbid Zhanghe Amoy and Yin Qinghe River around the southern mountain city, a Pingchuan along the North West sector Zhangze Reservoir inflow. 县内水源较缺,主要河流浊漳河的支流淘清河和荫城河遍布南部山地,出平川后沿西界北流入漳泽水库。
- To the natural scenic landscapes-chuen holes, flowers and trees mainly around the North on the 000-to long for the barrier, to the southern mountain valley plains, and the Juma He Zongchuan. 风景以自然的山水泉洞、林木花草为主,北就万山环绕,以长为屏障,南部为山区谷地平原,拒马河纵穿而过。
- Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in the southern mountains, Xifeng similar to the micro-credit loans by the company, "microcredit anti-poverty" in nature. 宁夏南部山区,类似于栖凤小额贷款公司所发放的贷款,多具有“反贫困小额贷款”性质。
- High-tech Zone in the urban areas Weinan the east, west of Xi'an Lintong, according to the Southern Mountains, along the Weihe River North. 高新区东接渭南市区,西临西安临潼,南依秦岭,北傍渭河。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- "The European bison also inhabit the southern mountains of Poland, Russia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine, eastern Slovakia and the Romanian Carpathians," Lucian said. 卢西恩说:“欧洲野牛还分布于波兰南部山区﹑俄罗斯﹑立陶宛﹑白俄罗斯、乌克兰、东斯洛伐克及罗马尼亚境内的咯尔巴阡山区。
- The degradation of the ecological environment in the southern mountainous areas in Ningxia is chiefly caused by man - made destructions since modern times. 宁南山区的生态环境退化,主要是近代以来人为破坏造成的。
- Muqun according to the Southern mountains, north of Shuozhou Pingchuan, overlooking from south to north, high to low, large and small mound the length and breadth of the closure. 整个墓群南依群山,北连朔州平川,从南向北俯瞰,由高到低,大小不一的封土堆星罗棋布。
- The mountain path is narrow and rugged. 狭隘的山路崎岖不平。
- Do you know what is meant by mountain time? 你知道山区时间是什么意思吗?