- Southern edge of river 南浦
- Halfway through January the country caught the southern edge of the northwest monsoons. 一月中旬,这个国家受到西北季节风南端的袭击。
- Offering windy and hilly conditions, the site includes a section of the Mojave Desert and the southern edge of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. 具备多风多山条件的该项目地点包括莫哈韦沙漠的一部分,以及内华达山脉的南端。
- On the southern edge of the lake is Normanton Church, which is all that is left of Normanton village. 湖的南部边缘是诺曼顿教堂,这是诺曼顿村仅存的(建筑物)。
- AT A taxi-rank on the southern edge of Kabul, drivers lounged against dusty car bonnets and held a grim conversation. 这里是喀布尔南端的一个的士站。尘土斑斑的发动机盖上,司机们休憩于此,彼此交谈着,对话有些凝重。
- Hong Kong lies on the southern edge of an ancient land mass. The oldest exposed rocks are Devonian fluvial sediments that were deposited 400million years ago. 香港处于古陆块的南缘,最老的外露岩石是在4亿年前的泥盆纪时期,由河流冲积形成的沉积岩。
- Montfermeil is situated between Livry and Chelles, on the southern edge of that lofty table-land which separates the Ourcq from the Marne. 孟费郿位于利弗里和谢尔之间,在乌尔克河与马恩河间那片高原的南麓。
- The Sombrero galaxy lies at the southern edge of the Virgo cluster of galaxies and is one of the most massive objects in that group, equivalent to about 800 billion suns. 草帽星系位于室女座星系团的南缘,也是该星系团中质量最大的天体之一,约合8000亿倍太阳质量。
- Police at first tried to detain some of them, but after scuffles lasting several minutes, the protesters returned to their refugee camp at the southern edge of Katmandu. 警察起初试着拘留他们中的一些人,但是经过几分钟的扭打之后,示威者返回了他们在加德满都南边的难民营。
- My garden extends to the edge of the river. 我家的花园一直延伸到河边。
- The factory is situated on the edge of the town. 这座工厂坐落在该城的边上。
- The hotel is situated at the edge of the town. 该饭店坐落于市区的边缘。
- An island of southern Italy on the southern edge of the Bay of Naples.A popular resort since Roman times, it is famous for its Blue Grotto, a picturesque cave indenting the island's high, precipitous coast. 卡普里意大利南部一岛屿,位于那不勒斯湾的南部边界。自古罗马时代以来就是一个度假胜地,以其蓝色洞穴而闻名,为该岛高而陡峭的海岸上的一处风景优美的洞穴
- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- Pictured is of one of the closest star forming regions, part of the Rho Ophiuchi cloud complex some 400 light-years distant near the southern edge of the pronounceable constellation Ophiuchus. 上面影像中是距离我们最近的恒星形成区域之一,它是心宿增四复杂星云的一部分,距离我们大约400光年远,位于易辨认的蛇夫座南边缘附近。
- Please sharpen the edge of this axe. 请把这把斧头的刃磨快。
- Mingyuan, in Daxing district at the southern edge of Beijing, caters to the children of migrant workers, barred from local state schools because their parents lack the necessary residence permits. 明远在北京南边的大兴区,是一所专为外来工子女设立的学校,这些孩子因为父母没有城市定居许可而不能在当地的公立学校上学。
- at edge of river or lake; used to store boats. 在水边或湖边的一个建筑;是用来存放船只的棚子。
- The edge of the disc had been machined flat/smooth. 圆盘的边缘已用机器磨平[光]。
- There is a house on the edge of the river. 河边有一间屋子。