- Southern blot technique developed to identify DNA fragments. 印迹杂交被用来发现DNA片段。
- We detected 213 specimens from 173 people using probe of pBR-322 by Dot and Southern blot hybridization. 我们用常见的克隆载体pBR322作探针,用核酸点杂交和Southern吸印方法,检测了来自173人的213例样品。
- Southern Blot with positive plants of PCR showed that CMO and BADH have been integrated into the rice genome. 对随机抽取的PCR检测双阳性植株进行Southern blotting杂交检测分析,表明CMO和BADH基因均已整合到转基因水稻的基因组中。
- Southern blot analysis showed that Oncidium has at least 4 copies of EIN2 in its genome. 南方墨点分析显示EIN2至少有四个拷贝分布于基因体组内。
- The presence or absence of particular restriction sits can be ascertained using DNA probes in the technique called SOUTHERN BLOTTING. 不同个体限制酶的位点有很大的不同,因此可以被用来分析和比较基因组。
- Southern blotting analysis of genomic DNA indicated that enolase was likely to be a low-copy gene in the oilseed rape genome. Southern杂交结果显示烯醇酶以低拷贝形式在油菜基因组中存在.
- Rearrangement and amplificarion of erbB,sis,myc and fos in brain tumors are studied with DNA dot blot and Southern blot analysis. 本文用 DNA 斑点杂交法和 Southen 印迹法对脑瘤中 erbB、sis、myc 和 fos 这四种癌基因的扩增和重排进行了研究。
- Results of Southern blotting suggested that there were all a small gene family of MaMAPK, and MaMAPKgene may be small copies in genomic DNA of three species of Malus. Southern杂交结果表明,MoMAPK基因在3种苹果的基因组中均以低拷贝和基因家族形式存在,为进一步研究MaMAP基因的表达调控,揭示苹果属植物耐旱的分子机制奠定了基础。
- Finally, on the basis of the established transformation protocol, rolB-pttGA20ox genes were stably transferred to the Populus alba by PCR and Southern blotting tests. 最后在此基础上,进行rolB-pttGA20ox双价基因的转化,并由PCR、Southern杂交和形态特征差异检测,以证明是否为转化植株。
- PCR assay and Southern blot analysis showed that CMO gene was integrated successfully into the genome of transformed plant. PCR及Southern检测证明CMO基因已整合进抗性植株基因组;
- With photosensitivebiotin lablled probes,HEV derived from clone ET1.1(418 bp)and ETV derived from Echo-13(500bp),Dot and Southern blotting were carried out on the NC membranes. 以光敏生物素标记HEVET1.;14186p探针,对硝酸纤维素膜进行点杂交和Southern印迹杂交。
- Transgenic plants were confirmed by PCR, PCR-Southern, and genomic Southern blotting which showed that the bar and pin II genes were co-integrated into the plant genome. 获得的转基因植株经PCR、PCR-Southern杂交以及植物基因组Southern杂交证实,目的基因已经整合入植物基因组中。
- Transgenic potato plants 1M, 2M, 3M, 5M, 10M, llM provided by laboratory were analyzed by Southern blot and Northern blot. ELISA检测转基因马铃薯病毒抗性数据显示,温室条件下,3个转基因马铃薯株系(2M、3M、11M)具有病毒抗性,3个株系(1M、5M、10M)感病;
- Southern blot analysis and PCR of target segment in the genome of tobacco showed that all of the plants generated were the transgenic plants. 转基因植株总DNA PCR和Southern blot分析表明目的基因已经整合到植物基因组中,但转基因的拷贝数与抗病性无明显的相关性。
- Dot blot and southern blot analyses suggested that gfp gene is integrated into the genome of transgenic plants of Nicotiana tabacum, Pentunia genome. 通过对有绿色荧光的烟草、矮牵牛进行dot blot、southern blot分析,都获得阳性杂交结果,证实gfp基因已整合到植物基因组中并与绿色荧光观察结果一致。
- Methods Accumulation of ciprofloxacin in clinical isolates of Escherichia coli was measured by fluorometry, and acrAB gene was identified by PCR and Southern blot. 方法 应用荧光法测定临床分离大肠杆菌对环丙沙星的主动外排功能 ; PCR及Southernblot测定主动外排系统AcrAB结构基因acrAB ;
- Methods Ordinary PCR, Southern blot and direct ISPCR were applied and compared in detecting Hib in 100 paraffin-embedded lung tissues of autopsy children died of CAP. 方法用普通PCR、Southern杂交和直接ISPCR三种方法检测100例死于肺炎的儿童尸检石蜡包埋肺组织标本中的Hib,分析其致病、致死及在肺组织中的分布情况,并对这些方法对比分析。
- Methods: The gene rearrangement in blood and bone marrow of 12 children with AML was detected by Southern blot hybridization using LE11. 8, MYO and M13 probes. 方法:用LE11.;8、MYO和M13探针,经Southern杂交法检测12例儿童急性粒细胞白血病患者的外周血或骨髓细胞的基因重排。
- Total DNA of the 2 pathogens and their similar ones digested with EcoR I, were hybridized with mtDNA probes of 2ul8 and 4u40 by Southern blot, the RFLP patterns could identify F. 利用Southern杂交技术;将致病菌和近似菌的基因组DNA分别用EcoRI 酶切;与mtDNA探针2u18和4u40杂交的RFLP图谱可成功的鉴定F.
- Conclusion By using RT-PCR, Southern blot and covalent cross-linking techniques, it was demonstrated that SGC 7901 cells can express bombesin receptor mRNA and protein. 本研究为探索蛙皮素和蛙皮素受体的拮抗剂应用于肿瘤研究以及蛙皮素作用后细胞内信息传递途径提供了基础。