- It's an indispensable phase for the evolution of chronicle during the Southern Dynasty. 南朝时期是整个编年史发展进程中一个不可或缺的历史阶段。
- All the four hundred eighty temples from Southern Dynasty Hide their towers amongst smoky blossoms and misty rain. 南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。
- Buddhism prevailed in Southern Dynasty and a great multitude of famous monks emerged. 摘要南朝时期,佛教盛行,涌现出了一批著名高僧。
- A famous writer in the Southern dynasty, Yan Yanzhi wrote a lot of literary works throughout his life, leading the then literati. 摘要颜延之是南朝宋重要的文学家,一生写作了大量的诗文,为当时的文坛领袖。
- He put his personal frustrations into the epoch calamity that learned from Qu Yuan and Song Yu, and reminisced the Southern Dynasty. 其诗宗法屈宋,追慕南朝,融个人坎坷与时代灾难于一体,疏淡清美,自成体格。
- These mausoleums and tombs with the art of stone sculptnres are of great value in history,culture and art to explore the funeral system in Southern Dynasty. 保护和利用这些具有高度文化艺术水平的陵墓石刻,对增强民族凝聚力、传承文明具有极为深远的意义,是时代赋予我们的重任。
- In the Southern Dynasty, poetry developed a trend toward secularization, moving away from ethical and metaphysical bonds to depict secular lives and feelings. 摘要南朝时期,诗歌摆脱了伦理和玄学的束缚,描写日常生活,表达世俗情感,具有浓厚的世俗化色彩。
- Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties at Nanjing. 南京南朝陵墓石刻.
- Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties in Danyang. 丹阳南朝陵墓石刻。
- From the Jin Dynasty to the Northern and Southern dynasties, many temples were set up in cities or even in the capital. 从晋朝到南北朝,城市里修建了许多道观,甚至京城里也是如此。
- Based on the three academic centers, Confucianism of Southern Dynasty continued to spread to westward and southward, and conduced to the cultural changes of those non-Confucianism districts finally. 南朝儒学以此三个中心为基础,继续向西向南迁播,从而引起了南方儒学传入地区的文化变迁。
- Seven brick tombs of the Southern dynasty were excavated at Douligang, Macheng, Jingmen.Their structures remain clear and carry strong regional features even though they received early damages. 摘要荆门麻城镇斗笠岗墓地发掘了七座南朝砖墓,均早期遭破坏,但墓葬形制仍较清晰,具有较强的地方特征。
- Subsequent to the writing of poems during Wei &Jin dynasties and Northern &Southern Dynasty,people in the Tang Dynasty made a multiaspect development of this traditional theme. 继魏晋南北朝昭君诗的创作,唐人对这一传统题材进行了全方位开拓。
- Wu Wenying was featured by his special writing style of ci poems so that he was cried up in the late Southern Dynasty but this was not the case in Yuan and Ming Dynasties. 吴文英因其特殊的风格在词学史上独树一帜,南宋末年颇受推崇,元明却默默无闻,清代前中期梦窗词逐渐显现,至晚清吴文英则被推为至尊的地位。
- At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist. 王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。
- In the Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern dynasties, soldier warriors with armor and helmets appeared. 魏晋南北朝时,出现了披铠挂甲的武士俑。
- The Prince Hui of Qi in the Southern Dynasties composed the "Fayue "Fayue Fanwu". 南齐惠太子制"法乐梵舞"。
- Rice is the chief crop in most southern provinces. 稻子是大多数南方省份的主要作物。
- The first papercut dates back to the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581). 最早的剪纸可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581期间)。
- Nian Yin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the word has Lu, gowns Han (now Linxia) people. 念贤,南北朝人,字蓄卢,袍罕(今临夏)人。