- Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties at Nanjing. 南京南朝陵墓石刻.
- Stone Sculptures at Mausoleums of the Southern Dynasties in Danyang. 丹阳南朝陵墓石刻。
- At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist. 王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。
- In the Wei, Jin, the Northern and Southern dynasties, soldier warriors with armor and helmets appeared. 魏晋南北朝时,出现了披铠挂甲的武士俑。
- The Prince Hui of Qi in the Southern Dynasties composed the "Fayue "Fayue Fanwu". 南齐惠太子制"法乐梵舞"。
- The first papercut dates back to the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581). 最早的剪纸可以追溯到南北朝时期(公元386-581期间)。
- Nian Yin, Northern and Southern Dynasties, and the word has Lu, gowns Han (now Linxia) people. 念贤,南北朝人,字蓄卢,袍罕(今临夏)人。
- The copula "shi" gradually matured in Wei-Jin and Northern and Southern Dynasties. 摘要系词“是”字逐渐成熟于魏晋南北朝时期。
- The first papercut can be traced back to the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386-581) period. 剪纸的历史最远可以追溯到南北朝时期。
- The annals of Sui: Music History states that Emperor Liangwudi of the Southern Dynasties was a faithful believer of Buddhism. 《随书·音乐志》载:南朝梁武帝笃敬佛法,
- April",a song of Southern Dynasties,though superficially describing the love between young people,contains substantial folk-Buddhism thought. 南朝民歌《四月歌》表面上写的是青年男女的恋爱 ,但是其中隐藏着极其丰富的民间佛教内容。
- In the health-preservation theories of Daoism in the Northern and Southern dynasties, the image-numberology was enriched and expanded. 在南北朝道教养生理论中,象数易学得到了丰富和发展。
- During the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Kou Qianzhi, a famous Taoist, and other Taoists began to paint celestials of Taoism. 南北朝时,著名的嵩山道士寇谦之与其他道教徒也开始画道教的神仙图。
- Is located in the Jiading district of the town of Nagaoka, was built in the Southern Dynasties Leung Tin supervisor 10 years (511). 座落在嘉定区外冈镇,始建于南朝梁天监十年(511年)。
- Wei Jin and the Northern and Southern Dynasties is the pluralistic developing period of academic thought of our country. 魏晋南北朝时期是我国学术思想多元化发展时期。
- Ju Shezhe and A Maini, Yi scholars of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, worked out the first literary theory of the Yi Nationality. 南北朝时期的彝族学者举奢哲与阿买妮,创建了彝族文学理论。
- Lee Hing Industry (484-549 years), the eldest son of Shangdang person, Northern and Southern Dynasties famous mathematician, family calendar. 李业兴(484-549年),上党长子人,南北朝时期著名数学家、历算家。
- D.), a very important person in the Taoism history in China, was the reformer of the Northern TIANSHIDAO in the Northern and Southern Dynasties. 论文从历史唯物主义原理出发,运用了逻辑与历史相统一的方法,阐述了寇谦之道教改革的背景、内容及其历史影响。
- Jiangxi is today, the Southern Dynasties have this package Chen Jin Jiang River in Jiangxi Province, Nanchang County in Qingjiang, and so on. 相当今江西省地,南朝陈时包有今江西锦江流域、南昌市清江等县地。
- In the Northen and Southern Dynasties,with the state powers being replaced frequently,the Song of aupicous signs emerged in large numbers. 南北朝频繁的江山易主,涌现了大量的符瑞颂文,同时,自东汉末开始传入中国的佛教,在本土化的过程中亦渗透到了颂文中,给颂文以新变;