- Some charitable organizations warned that this extreme events show that the AIDS situation in South Asia subcontinent, is not optimistic. 一些慈善组织警告说,这起极端事件表明,南亚次大陆艾滋病情况不容乐观。
- the South Asia subcontinent 南亚次大陆
- South Asia subcontinent 南亚次大陆
- Britain once ruled the subcontinent of South Asia as a whole, the then British India, including today's India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, the three countries. 英国曾经一度统治整个南亚次大陆,当年的英属印度包括了今天的印度、巴基斯坦和孟加拉国三个国家。
- Fourth, China and Southeast Asia, the subcontinent of South Asia, the Middle East between the Chinese and Baku, Russia's fuel surcharge, from 400 RMB each leg, down RMB 200. 四、中国与东南亚、南亚次大陆、中东之间,中国与巴库、俄罗斯之间的燃油附加费,由每航段人民币400元,下调为人民币200元。
- An enchanting country in South Asia. 南亚美丽之国
- Indeed, located in the Indian subcontinent of South Asia, because of their unique culture, religion and national character has always been to the outside world in a peaceful tranquil impression. 中英文对照:的确,地处南亚次大陆的印度,因其独特的文化、宗教和民族性,一向给外界以和平安谧的印象。
- Tension in South Asia has not been fundamentally changed. 南亚紧张局势没有根本改变。
- Cassie Dummett is the technical adviser for South Asia. 凯西是一名为南亚服务的科学顾问。
- This new type was probably developed in South Asia or Africa. 这新的类型可能发祥于南亚或非洲。
- Near the Himalayas mountains close to Nepal border in South Asia. 在喜马拉雅山山附近紧挨尼泊尔疆界在南亚。
- South Asia, the Arabian Peninsula and the coast of East Africa. 南亚、阿拉伯半岛和东非沿海。
- I usually get 5 per cent commission from my supplier in South Asia. 我在南亚通常从供应商那里得到百分之五的佣金。
- Blair said global power is shifting to East and South Asia. 布莱尔说,全球的力量正在向东亚和南亚转移。
- He replaces the illustrious Neha Viswanathan as South Asia editor. 他接替卓越的Neha Viswanathan,成为南亚的新任编辑。
- The Middle East,North Africa and South Asia are chronically short of water. 中东、北非和南亚长期缺水。
- In South Asia, the Himalayan glaciers could retreat causing water scarcity. 在南亚,喜马拉雅山冰河的倒退造成了水荒。
- Karachi lies along their coastal migration path to South Asia and beyond. Karachi在沿他们的沿海迁移道路向南亚和以远。
- Upon their entry in South Asia the Aryans encountered the Dravidian languages. 在他们的词条在南亚Aryans遇到了Dravidian语言。
- The Hong Kong Newt is the only local newt and is found in South Asia. 香港蝾螈是南中国的一类蝾螈。