- This blithely contradicts the case South Sudan made at The Hague. 这与南部苏丹在海牙法庭上的决定是可笑的矛盾。
- Rebels opposed to Sharia in non-Muslim south Sudan have been fighting for autonomy since 1983. 而这部教法也遭到了苏丹南部一些非穆斯林教地区的叛乱势力的反对,这些叛乱势力自1983年以来就企图实现自治。
- In south Sudan, foreign donors cannot decide if they are dealing with a humanitarian emergency or building a nation. 在南苏丹,外国的捐款人也无法判定他们是在拯救人道主义,还是在建设一个国家。
- The lack of infrastructure makes it difficult for the semiautonomous government in south Sudan to secure its borders. 基础设施的缺乏导致南苏丹办自制政府很难保护边境地区。
- At least 185 people were killed in another bout of intertribal fighting in South Sudan. 在苏丹南部发生的又一场部族冲突中,造成至少185人死亡。
- The trader runs a logistics company in Juba.He has been coming back and forward to South Sudan for years. 那个商人在朱巴经营着一家后勤物资公司,所以常年都在南苏丹来回奔波。
- Parts of South Sudan, Eritrea, the Central African Republic and Tanzania are suffering too. 南部苏丹,厄立特里亚,中非共和国和坦桑尼亚的部分地区都受到影响。
- Egypt, along with the semiautonomous government of South Sudan, has tried to bring Darfur's fractiousrebels together to create a joint platform. 埃及也连同南苏丹的半自治政府一起尝试了与狂暴的叛军们联盟以建立起一个互助的盟军阵营。
- Inter-tribal cattle raids between the tribes in South Sudan have escalated recently, leaving hundreds dead and thousands of displaced people behind. 在苏丹南部部落间牛群袭击事件最近已经升级,导致数百人死亡,数以千计的人流离失所。
- Egypt, along with the semiautonomous government of South Sudan, has tried to bring Darfur's fractious rebels together to create a joint platform. 埃及也连同南苏丹的半自治政府一起尝试了与狂暴的叛军们联盟以建立起一个互助的盟军阵营。
- I am in Juba, the capital of South Sudan, and heading for a remote bit of Nuerland, hard up against the bandit border with Ethiopia. 我从苏丹南部的首府朱巴向纽尔兰进发,一个与埃塞俄比亚剑拔弩张的边塞小镇。
- America played a big role in ending the war between north and south Sudan, but its efforts to douse the flames in Darfur have yet to succeed. 在结束南部苏丹和北部苏丹的战争中,美国也扮演了重要角色,但它试图熄灭达尔富尔动乱火焰的努力没有能够成功。
- Several, such as south Sudan and Uganda are landlocked, so rely on Kenya's roads and its port of Mombasa for their trade to the outside world. 从国外的贷款有可能会上升,而估价过高的肯尼亚先令也将贬值,旅游业已经受到重挫,国外援助可能也会减少。
- At least seven South Sudanese are freed from Arab abductors as an operation to rescue them resumes. 至少七个南苏丹人没有阿拉伯人诱拐者为救出他们的手术重新开始。
- The Ugandans, some of them veterans of peacekeeping in Somalia, fought alongside troops from the armies of Congo and south Sudan. 乌干达战士们(其中一些是在索马里参与维和的老兵)与来自刚果与南苏丹的军队并肩作战。
- The former rebel force of south Sudan, Sudan People's Liberation Army, also missed the end-of-June deadline to withdraw all of its troops from Abyei. 原来苏丹南方的反政府力量苏丹人民解放军也没有在6月底的限期之前从阿卜耶伊撤出所有的部队。
- The BBC has obtained the clearest evidence yet for that the shipload of arms hijacked by pirates south of Somalia was heading for south Sudan. BBC已经获得了最明确的证据证实被索马里海岛武装劫持的货船正驶向南苏丹。
- In south Sudan gunmen from the Jikany-Nuer tribe looted a big UN aid convoy to prevent food supplies from reaching another Nuer group. 苏丹南部,JikanyNuer部族的持枪成员掠抢了联合国救援船只,以阻止救援食品到达Nuer部落。
- Aid workers must contend with a relative lack of interest in south Sudan,which festers in the shadow of sudan's other ethnic war,Dafur. 相比较而言,救援工作者们都不太情愿到苏丹南部工作。
- The wider story is about the stability of South Sudan and of how the country may go to war with Khartoum before a referendum on full independence in 2011. 眼光放得更广一点,问题在于南苏丹的政权稳定以及在2011年完全独立的全民公投之前与喀土穆开战的可能性。