- Sorrow has grayed his head. 忧伤使他头发变得灰白。
- 3) Sorrow has greyed his head. 他因悲伤头发 白 了 。
- Sorrow has always been her portion. 她的命运一直与悲哀相连。
- His head has turned with success. 他因成功而飘飘然了。
- Jack's election to the presidency of our union has turned his head. 杰克当选为我们的工会主席,这事使他得意忘形起来。
- He was sitting with his head buried in a book. 他坐着埋头看书。
- He batted the idea around in his head. 他脑子里反复思考这个想法。
- The news of your sorrow has just reached me. 您的不幸消息刚刚传到我处。
- The guilty man bowed his head in shame. 那个有罪的人羞愧地低下了头。
- The heavy box landed crash on his head. 沉重的箱子哗啦一声掉到他的头上。
- Sorrow has come on me! my heart in me is feeble. 我有忧愁,愿能自慰。我心在我里面发昏。
- He lay on the floor with a cushion under his head. 他躺在地板上,头下枕着一个垫子。
- Sorrow has left its print on her face. 悲伤在她脸上留下痕迹。
- He shook his head as if to say no. 他摇摇头好象在说不。
- Peter had his head in a tar barrel sure enough. 不出所料,彼得陷入了困境。
- His head was stuck fast in the railings. 他的头卡在栅栏里动弹不得。
- Every member of the gang has a price on his head. 这帮歹徒每个人都被悬赏通辑。
- Time and sorrow had ploughed deep furrows on his brow. 时间和忧愁已在他的额头刻下深深的皱纹。
- He called down a blessing on his head. 他祈求降福其身。
- He struck the beam with his head. 他的头撞到梁上了。