- Sorex virn. 平颅鼩鼱
- Eu posso fazer meu sonho vir verdadeiro. 是哪国语?是什么意思?
- VIR? Virtual Information Retrieval? 可视信息检索?
- Homo and vir, that was the exact effect of their different shades. 公白飞补充并纠正着安灼拉。
- NTSB investigators recovered the nav boxes (VIR 30s) from the wreckage in relatively good condition. NTSB调查人员从飞机残骸上找到了导航控制盒(VIR30S),状况良好。
- For his gallantry and sheer ballsiness, he was awarded the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military award. 因为他的英勇气概和纯爷们儿表现,他被授予了ParamVirChakra,印度最高的军事奖励。
- Ai.Dong% &Vir Crew%--you are the one.My only alter-ago--You are the only one.Nothing is serious &we're on the road. 是的,新的石角街很漂亮,只是我们经过那里停下来买水的时候拍了旧的建筑,下次补上...
- All the published moments of light minima of the near contact binary BF Vir have been compiled and the changes of orbital period have been analyzed. 收集了近相接双星BF Vir 的光极小时刻;并对其轨道周期进行分析.
- Hotel Sentinel Is Located On Phoenix Bay, In The Heart Of Port Blair City, And The Nearest Airport Is Vir Savarkar Port Blair Airport. 哨兵布莱尔港大酒店优惠预订,如果您需要在布莱尔港,印度住宿(包括酒店、宾馆、旅店,饭店、汽车旅馆),这个酒店将是一个不错的选择。
- At the same time, with the increase of current density, VIR of the sample plated Ni increasing amplitude decreases 70.6% than no plated Ni. 随电流密度增加,镀镍样品的VIR增加幅度较镀镍前降低70.;6%25,导电性显著提高。
- Then bringing forward two new examples of ACL: the vir us filtering and time controlling on ACL, and followed by the detail configurati on. 随后重点介绍了访问列表的两个新的应用范例:访问控制列表对病毒的过滤和基于时间的访问控制列表,给出了详细的配置过程。
- Carey Nachenberg, chief researcher of Symantec's anti?v irus research center, estimates that a computer?savvy person could create a vir us similar to the Love Bug in an afternoon. 根据反病毒研究中心的首席研究员凯里·纳森博格的估计,一个精通计算机的人可以在一个下午创造出一种类似“爱虫”这样的病毒。
- Carey Nachenberg,chief researcher of Symantec's anti?v irus research center,estimates that a computer?savvy person could create a vir us similar to the Love Bug in an afternoon. 根据反病毒研究中心的首席研究员凯里·纳森博格的估计,一个精通计算机的人可以在一个下午创造出一种类似“爱虫”这样的病毒。
- Carey Nachenberg, chief researcher of Symantec's anti v irus research center, estimates that a computer savvy person could create a vir us similar to the Love Bug in an afternoon. 根据反病毒研究中心的首席研究员凯里·纳森博格的估计,一个精通计算机的人可以在一个下午创造出一种类似“爱虫”这样的病毒。
- Combining the photometric solutions with spectroscopic elements for five systems (i.e., FG Hya, GR Vir, TV Mus, V410 Aur and XY Boo), their absolute parameters were determined. 轨道周期增加率dP/dt分别为:+8.;22×10~(-7)d yr~(-1)(V410 Aur)、+2
- This article discusses the design and imple mentation of a piped LPG(liquefied petroleum gas) monitoring system based on vir tual instrument techniques. 讨论了一种采用虚拟仪器思想构建的液化气管网监控系统的设计和实现。
- Objective: To explore the MRI presentative characteristics of vir al encephalitis and toevaluate the relationship between the MRI diagnosis of vir al encephalitis and the clinic prognosis. 目的:探讨病毒性脑炎MRI影像的表现特点、检查方法的选用,以及病毒性脑炎MRI影像表现与临床预后的关系。
- Cliff on island Vir. 峭壁图片 Cliff.
- We first introduce and analyze vir tual memory management in Linux/IA64,including address space structure,tr anslation lookaside buffer. Then we lay emphasis on Linux/IA64VHPT walker a nd lazy TLB flush technologies. 该文研究了Linux/IA64存储管理,包括Linux/IA64灵活的地址空间划分、TLB等机制,并着重讨论了与IA64VHPT(VirtualHashPageTable)walker紧密结合的虚实地址变换、基于IA64区ID的懒惰TLB刷新等新技术。
- Regarding the regulation of Vir gene expression by metabolites, the levels varied with the kind of plants, and the regulatory responses of various Vir loci to extracts or exudates varied with not only different sources but even the fame one. 其调节水平随植物的不同而明显不同,但单、双子叶植物的代谢物对Vir基因表达的调节作用并非截然分开。