- Songmingyan Huaer 松鸣岩花儿会
- Huaer is a kind of folk song prevailing in the northwest area and shows different feature from others with its particolored beat, multichanged tempo and rhythm. “花儿”是广泛流传于西北高原农牧地区的“山歌”,“花儿”以高亢、嘹亮、粗犷的演唱风格使其带有明显的地域特征。
- The Baobo slang and ballads are a variant of the Taomin "Huaer (a folksong form)".From the Qiang's Huaer we can dig out the essence of the Chinese nationality. 缅甸人中的“胞波”俚谣是洮岷“花儿”(民歌)的嬗变,我们从羌歌“花儿”中寻找中华民族的精魂,走向世界。
- Maestro Zhu is such an artist that he has contributed immensely to the art of Huaer, through whom is revealed the spirited vitality of the folk music and the panorama of the Huaer in its full blossom. 朱仲禄是一个对花儿艺术有着特殊贡献的民间音乐家,从他的身上,我们看到了民间音乐鲜活的生命所在,他的一生代表着花儿艺术在历史发展过程中一个阶段的基本面貌。
- The background to the development of the minority drama, in Linxia, Gansu Province to study samples Huaer opera a comprehensive system to study the formation and development of historical trajectory. 本研究以我国少数民族戏剧的发展为背景,以甘肃临夏为研究样本,全面系统地考察了花儿剧形成和发展的历史轨迹。
- Ningbo Huaer Plastic Products Co., Ltd 宁波华尔塑料制品有限公司
- Informal Discussion about Performance of "Hezhou Huaer" "河州花儿"演唱艺术漫谈
- Protection and Development of Artistic Charm of "Huaer" 浅谈河湟"花儿"的艺术魅力及其保护与发展
- Taomin Huaer 洮岷“花儿”
- Erlangshan Huaer 二郎山花儿会
- "Huaer" in Hehuang 河湟“花儿”
- Huaer 花儿
- Guyuan Huaer 固原花儿