- Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。
- I suspect him to have broken the window. 我怀疑他打破了那扇玻璃窗。
- They tried to find out who had broken the window. 他们设法查明谁打破了玻璃窗。
- Everyone considered him to have broken the window. 大家都认为是他打破的窗户。
- Everybody else thought Billy had broken the window, but Tom went to bat for him. 大家都认为是比利打坏了门窗,但汤姆帮了比利一把,说不是他。
- The boy owned up and said that he had broken the window pane. 男孩坦白承认玻璃窗是他打破的。
- Undoubtedly, someone has broken into the house. 毫无疑问,有人曾闯入过房子。
- John felt duty bound to report that he had broken the window. 约翰觉得他应该说出窗户是他打烂的。
- Our neighbor was very kind although we had broken the window. 邻居对我们打破玻璃表现得很宽容。
- Someone has left the window open. 有人没关窗就走了。
- The children ran away after they had broken the window. 孩子们打碎了玻璃之后跑了。
- David can't have broken the window yesterday because he was in the cinema watching Harry Porter at that time. 玻璃窗不可能是大卫昨天打破的,因为当时他在电影院看电影。
- They have broken the agreement between us. 他们撕毁了与我们的协议。
- The boy got a good beating for breaking the window. 那男孩因打碎窗玻璃而被狠狠打了一顿。
- Before I could say "knife",the boy who had broken the window was gone. 打烂了窗户的那个男孩转瞬间已逃得无影无踪。
- Everybody else thought Billy had broken the window,but Tom went to bat for him. 其余所有的人都认为是比利打坏了窗户,可汤姆却为他辩护。
- Before I could say "knife", the boy who had broken the window was gone. 打烂了窗户的那个男孩转瞬间已逃得无影无踪。
- Someone had flung a brick through the window. 有人把一块砖扔进了窗户。
- Someone or other has broken the teapot. 不知是谁把茶壶打破了。
- Did you actually see him break the window? 你真的看到他打破窗户吗?