- The affect factor on the germination frequency of somatic embryos of soybean was syudied. 研究了影响大豆体细胞胚萌发率的几种因素。
- A Novel System for Proliferation, Maintenance and Plantlet Germination from Somatic Embryo of Soybean 大豆体细胞胚增殖保存与萌发植株体系的建立
- Somatic embryos of soybean 体细胞胚
- Abstract Nine factors which influence the frequency of somatic embryogenesis from immature embryos of soybean were studied. 摘要 研究了影响大豆幼胚培养体细胞胚胎发生频率的9个因素。
- The anthers, endosperms and somatic embryos of ber (Zizyphus mauritiana Lam) were used for explants in the study. 本研究以毛叶枣(Zizyphus mauritiana Lam)为试材,初步摸索了花药、胚乳培养中低温预处理,植物生长调节剂种类及配比,蔗糖浓度,有机附加物种类及浓度等方面的作用与影响;
- These indicated that there existed rich energy metabolisms in the genesis and development of somatic embryos of Liriodendron hybrid. 说明杂交鹅掌楸体细胞胚胎发生及发育过程中存在丰富的能量代谢。
- Simultaneously, a large amount of kanamycin-resistant somatic embryos of cotton in which a GUS gene was integrated via partical bombardment of embryogenic callus were also obtained. 将GUS报告基因导入棉花胚性愈伤组织,获得了卡那霉素抗性的胚状体;
- When regeneration, buds or roots were first regenerated from somatic embryos of papaya, either of these two ways, the germinal normal somatic embryos of papaya could regenerate into plants. 体胚萌发时,有些先长出芽,有些先长出根,无论是哪种发生方式,具有萌发能力的单个体胚都能发育成完整的小植株。
- Review on inductive and preservative somatic embryo of grapevine 葡萄体细胞胚的诱导及保存
- Okara is the main byproduct of soybean processing. 豆渣是大豆加工中的主要副产物。
- The incentives for expansion of soybean production are great. 这对提高大豆生产是很大的鼓励。
- Cold treatment was effective for differentiation of somatic embryos. 冷处理对蔷薇科植物的体胚分化有效。
- Effects of Soybean on the yield and texture of Tofu are reviewed. 综述国内外有关大豆原料对豆腐得率和质构影响的研究。
- Objective: Selecting the better extraction of soybean isoflavone. 目的:优选出大豆中大豆异黄酮的提取工艺。
- This paper is some instructive to the utilization of soybean hull. 此研究对大豆皮的综合利用有一定的指导意义。
- Explore on the inducing of somatic embryos and preparation process of artificial seeds of mulberry, Morus alba L. 桑树体细胞胚的诱导及其人工种子制作初探。
- Histological Observation of Somatic Embryogenesis from Cultured Embryos of Quercus variabilis BI. 栓皮栎体细胞胚胎发生的细胞组织学观察。
- The optimal medium for cotyled ons to induce somatic embryos was DCR+6-BA 1.0mg/L+TDZ 0.002 mg/L+ NAA 0.1 mg/L. DCR+6-BA1.;0mg/L+TDZ0
- The development of the somatic embryoids was very similar to that of zygotic embryos of wheat. 体细胞胚胎形成过程与小麦合于胚的形成过程十分相似。
- L09 was 71.4% on the DCR medium with BA1.0mg/L and 2,4-D5.0mg/L. We were not able to induce somatic embryos because of limited time. L09 在DCR+BA1.;0mg/L+2;4-D5