- Environmental behavior of zinc in Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻对重金属锌的耐性与吸收积累研究。
- Abstract: Enterprises' environmental behavior is defined as the external behavior ot the enterprises' taking action to make environment's negative externalities internalized. 文章摘要: 企业环境行为是指企业将其外部环境不经济性内部化所采取行动的外在表现。
- Application of numerical simulation in soil environmental impact assessment. 数值模拟在土壤环境影响评价中的应用。
- This article summarized the environmental behavior of sulfonylurea herbicide in soil, including absorption and de-sorption, degradation, residue and some of routine residue analysis. 概述了其在土壤中的吸附与解吸附、降解、残留及几种常用的残留分析方法。
- First, studies on the environmental behavior of chiral contaminants in recent decade are reviewed which contains separation and analysis of enantiomers, degradation of chiral pesticides in environment and accumulation of chiral pesticide in organism. 首先从手性污染物的分离分析、环境中对映异构体混合物的定量方法、微生物对手性污染物的选择性降解以及手性污染物在环境中的富集等四个方面的文献着手对近年来国内外相关研究成果进行了综述。
- Therefore, the process is turned into a hotspot issue of soil environmental chemistry that studied the significance of dissimilatory reduction. 因此,研究异化铁还原作用的环境学意义已成为当今土壤环境化学的热点问题。
- The study of environmental behavior and environmental attitudes is the concerning focus of environmental sociology. 摘要环境行为与环境态度的研究一直是环境社会学关注焦点。
- The concepts of soil environmental capacity, the static capacity and the dynamic capacity were recommended, which still were developing. 摘要介绍土壤环境容量的概念、静容量和动容量的含义,强调这些概念和定义仍处于发展之中。
- However there is no report about the roxarsone environmental behavior in water or agriculture systems. 然而目前对洛克沙胂在水体或农业体系中环境行为的研究报道较少。
- Also, in this paper, soil environmental change is predicated according to climate change, population increment and big engineering projects. 文章还进一步从气候变化、人口压力和大型工程建设等几方面对未来土壤环境的影响进行了预测。
- SFI's premise is that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions can co-exist. 圣菲研究所的前提是,对环境负责的行为和良好的商业决定,可以共存。
- The study on the soil environmental geochemistry in Chang-Zhu-Tan area shows that heavy metals in the industrial area were seriously polluted. 通过长株潭地区环境地球化学调查工作的实施,对长株潭地区土壤环境地球化学研究的工作方法进行了初步研究。
- As far as I am cornered,it is difficult to solve the soil environmental pollution problem with pure technical or legal measures. 我们认为单纯的技术防治措施或法律规范措施是难以解决土壤环境污染问题的。
- The environmental behavior of herbicides are heavily related with agricultural management practice which is controlled by human. 除草剂的土壤环境行为与受人为控制的农业管理实践有密切的关系。
- Jiao J Y, Ma X H, Bai W J, Jiao F, Wen Z M.Correspondence analysis of vegetation communities and soil environmental factors on abandoned cropland on hilly-gullied loess plateau. 焦菊英;马祥华;白文娟;焦峰;温仲明.;黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地植物群落与土壤环境因子的对应分析
- Jiao J Y, Ma X H, Bai W J, Jiao F, Wen Z M.Correspondence analysisa of vegetation communities and soil environmental factors on abandoned cropland on hilly-gullied Loess Plateau. 焦菊英;马祥华;白文娟;焦峰;温仲明.;黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕地植物群落与土壤环境因子的对应分析
- We consider that environmental literacy is the syntheses of environmental knowledge, environmental awareness and environmental behavior that human being learned. 我们认为,环境素养是人通过后天的学习而获得和形成的关于人类生存环境的知识、意识、行为的总和。
- At Fuyang, deep water method instead of soil drainage was used, the water layer about 10 cm thick was kept for some days near maximum tillering stage, this could result in deterioration of soil environmental condition for rice growth at late stages. 在富阳,用保持深厚水层的办法代替土壤排水,在最大分蘖期保持10厘米厚水层数天,破坏了水稻生长后期土壤环境条件。
- Therefore, climatic, pedologic, topographic factors and environmental behavior of Cr in soils should be fully considered in the dealings of polluted soils around residue piling yard. 在对堆渣场土壤污染进行治理时必须综合考虑气候、土壤、地形因素及铬的土壤环境行为。
- It is suggested that balanced rates of N, P and K application, fertilization with reasonable amount and manners be taken to abate the potential of nitrate leaching loss, and to improve soil environmental quality. 确定合理的施肥量,平衡氮、磷、钾养分比例,以及采取正确的施肥和灌溉方式,将有效缓解土壤酸化和盐分累积,减少硝酸盐的淋洗,从而改善土壤环境质量。