- Effect of Deep Straw Mulching on Soil Water and Salt Movement and Wheat Growth 秸秆深层覆盖对土壤水盐运移及小麦生长的影响
- Analysis of the Characteristics of Soil Water and Salt Movement in Saline Water Infiltration 微咸水入渗土壤水盐运移特征分析
- The soil water and salt transport were studied under 3 crop planting condition. 对3种作物种植条件下土壤水盐运移规律进行了研究。
- Soil water and salt movement 水盐运移
- The related study on water and salt movement characteristics is of much importance for the reclamation and development of salinized soil. 该文根据实测资料,研究了在有限深度下新疆盐碱土再分布过程中水分和盐分运移特征。
- observation on water and salt movement in soil 土壤水盐动态观测
- The field experiments were conducted to study the effects of rainwater harvesting on water and salt movement on marine saline-alkaline forestation in Cangzhou Coastal Eco. 通过田间试验,研究了临港开发区滨海盐碱林地集雨措施下的水盐运动。
- Much research of characteristics of soil water and salt transportunder drip irrigation, an important basis to develop salt-affected land, has been conducted at home and abroad. 滴灌条件下的水盐运移特性是寻求开发利用盐碱地和次生盐碱化防治的基础,国内外学者对此进行大量研究。
- To recognize features of transport of soil water and salt is an important research content for soil physics and irrigation of farmland and a key problem to soil reclamation. 摘要土壤水-热-盐运移规律的研究是目前土壤物理学、农田灌溉学研究的一个重要方面,也是防治盐碱化、改良盐渍土的核心问题。
- The characteristics of the infiltration, saltconcentration distribution, the influence of initial soil moisture contenton the soil water and salt transport processes and the relation between waterand salt transport are analyzed. 就一维积水入渗条件下土壤水分运动特性、盐分分布变化特征的规律、土壤初始含水量对水盐运移的影响以及水盐耦合迁移特性间的定量关系进行了重点分析。
- Water and Salt Movement in Polluted Soil in the Suburb of Baotou City 包头市西郊工业污染区盐渍土水盐动态研究
- the information of soil water and salt 土壤水盐信息
- The sea water is mainly composed of water and salt. 海水主要由水和盐组成。
- Simulation on water and salt movement in seashore saline soil under different rainfall intensities 不同降雨强度下滨海盐渍土水盐运动规律模拟实验研究
- Dynamical Rules of Water and Salt Movement in Seashore Salinized Soil Area of Shandong Province 山东省滨海盐渍土水盐运动动态规律研究
- Keywords Baldcypress;Soil water and salt content;Growth;Physiology; 落羽杉;土壤盐分和水分含量;生长;生理;
- Water and Salt Balance and Salt Movement in Weigan River Irrigation District 渭干河灌区水盐平衡及盐分运移
- Antibiotics can cause disorders of water and salt metabolism. 抗菌素能引起水、盐代谢的紊乱。
- On the Approximation of Isotropy for Spatial Variability of Soil Water and Salt 土壤水盐特性空间变异的各向同性近似探讨
- Comparison Analysis on Water and Salt Movement Characteristics under Isothermal and Non-isothermal Conditions 等温与非等温条件下水盐运动特征的比较