- Soil nutrient change 土壤养分变化
- Movement of soil nutrient of wheat field in arid desert area. 沙漠地区麦田土壤养分运动特征。
- A layer loss in soil profile is a sign of soil nutrient loss. 土壤剖面中A层的流失是土壤养分流失的标志。
- Soil nutrient and water have a great spatiotemporal heterogeneity. 在森林土壤中;养分和水分具有很大的时间和空间异质性.
- To improve work efficiency, bagged soil nutrient management should be fixed. 为提高工作效率,营养袋装土应采用定额管理。
- This article elaborated the Tangshan soil fertility since 1994 the soil topsoil investigation change condition, has analyzed the soil nutrient content change reason, proposed the improvement way. 摘要论述了唐山市土壤肥力自1982年全国第二次土壤普查以来的变化状况,分析了土壤养分含量变化的原因,提出了改善途径。
- Effect of natural zeolite on soil nutrient bioavailability and soil chemical properties. 沸石对土壤养分生物有效性和土壤化学性质的影响研究。
- The study provided a reference for improving the model of soil nutrient transfer in runoff on the loess slope. 该研究为进一步完善黄土坡面径流养分迁移模拟模型提供了参考。
- The relationship of soil nutrient cycling characteristics with productivity of terrace millet on hilly loess plateau. 黄土丘陵区梯田谷子养分循环特征与生产力关系的研究。
- We also raised the potential feedback by soil nutrient availability, which may also influence the BEF relationships. 最后 ,我们提出生物多样性_生态系统生产力之间的关系还可能受到土壤元素可利用性的负反馈作用的影响
- Nutrient Change and Manure Management of Cultivated Soil in Guizhou 贵州耕作土壤养分变化与施肥管理
- The soil nutrient contents and adsorption experiments were completed by Agro Service International Inc.(USA). 土壤养分含量和吸附试验由国际农业服务公司(美国)完成。
- The pipe engineering could increase the wind erosion and worsen the soil nutrient. 管线施工会增加地表风蚀量,并影响土壤养分和水分状况。
- The activities of soil Urease and Sucrase had no significant correlation with soil nutrient. 相关分析表明,高寒草甸的土壤酶活性与营养成分含量之间相关不显著。
- The results showed that soil nutrient lost quicklyduring the initial stage of desertification. 沙漠化发展到严重阶段时,其养分继续损失并不十分明显。
- Effects of Site Condition on Growth and Spatial Differences of Soil Nutrient in Populus simonii Carr. 与相似的文献。
- The correlation among soil microorganism, enzyme and soil nutrient in different types of mixed stands of Pinus thunbergii. 不同类型黑松混交林土壤微生物、酶及其与土壤养分关系的研究。
- The effects of soil nutrient level to the number of fruit per genet and the fruit set per genet in Iris japonica Thunb are not significant. 蝴蝶花单株果实数和单株座果率对养分水平的反应差异不显著。
- The soil nutrient, microorganism and enzyme activity are studied and analyzed in Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica plantations in Zhanggutai area. 摘要对章古台不同林龄樟子松人工林土壤养分、微生物及酶活性进行了测定和分析,结果表明:各林地的土壤养分、微生物和酶活性均表现出差异。
- The technology of soil nutrient map quick mapping is studied taken suitable area for Chinese gooseberry in Zhouzhi County, Shannxi province as a case. 本项目以陕西省周至县猕猴桃适生区土壤养分调查制图为例,进行了土壤养分图快速制图制作技术的技术流程研究。