- The result showed that the soil available N content of the vineyard a low and in grade 5 while that was in grade 3 in the kaleyard. 结果显示:东丽区葡萄园的速效氮含量较低,处于5级;
- Rhizospheric soil available N, enzyme activities and bacteria related to N transformation under drought stress in two genotypes of maize were investigated with a pot experiment. 摘要通过盆栽试验,研究了干旱胁迫下两基因型玉米根际有效态N及其两种相关酶活性和细菌的变化。
- The content soil available N, P and K and soil bulk density of vineyard in Dough and kaleyard in Beichen were analyzed in order to enhance crop yield and quality. 摘要为了提高作物的产量和品质,做到配方施肥,采集了天津市东丽地区葡萄园和北辰区菜园土壤样本,测定了土壤速效氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量以及土壤容重。
- Jiao X G, Liang W J, Chen L J, Jiang Y, Wen D Z.Effects of urease/nitrification inhibitors on soil available N and microbial biomass N and on N uptake of wheat. 焦晓光;梁文举;陈利军;姜勇;闻大中.;脲酶/硝化抑制剂对土壤有效态氮、微生物量氮和小麦氮吸收的影响
- Soil organic matter,available Ca,Mg,S,Fe,Mn,Cu and Si were abundant,while available N,Zn and B were deficient,and the deficiency rates were 62.5%,62.5% and 87.5% respectively. The CV(coefficient of variation) of soil available P and K changed greatly. 有机质、有效钙、镁、硫、铁、锰、铜以及硅的含量均较丰富; 碱解氮、有效锌、硼普遍缺乏;其缺乏数分别占总样本的62.;5%25、62
- ial model, while soil available N was best fitted by a Gaussian model. 碱解氮的最佳拟合模型为高斯模型;
- Soil available N 土壤有效态氮、磷、钾
- Available N in the field was significantly correlated with the number of soil bacteria and of actinomycetes. 分析结果还表明,有效氮与放线菌、有效氮与细菌数量变化呈显著相关关系。
- It is concluded that, in comparison with FIF, DIF significantly decreased the leaching loss of urea-N from soil, and increased the available N in soil. 滴灌施肥显著地减少了尿素态氮的淋溶损失,增加了土壤中有效态氮的含量。
- N mineralization, extractable mineral N or the use of a non-fixing legume or grass to measure available N supply are useful tools to account for the soil N variable. 氮矿化、可浸提的矿质氮以及利用不固氮的豆类植物或禾本科来测量氮供应均是解释土壤N变量的有用手段。
- Available N, P. K, Ca, Zn, Mn contents in rbinispberic soil under artificial pure korean pine forest were lower than those under nalinul korean pine forest aix! 天然林红松针叶含K、Ca、Mg、Zn、Fe、Mn等元素较丰富,人工纯林和人工混交林红松针叶含量相对较少; 人工纯林红松叶含N、P、Cu等元素较多。
- There were positive correlation between SOC and total N, available N and C:N. 苜蓿草地有机碳与全氮、碱解氮及C:N之间均为正相关关系。
- SM increased soil organic matter and available N, P, and K to varying degrees and PM didn't, while soil organic matter in the surface layer decreased in PM treatment. 地膜覆盖兼有显著的增温效应,而秸秆覆盖土壤温度却明显低于对照,但在冬季低温短日照条件下,地膜覆盖土壤温度反而低于秸秆覆盖;
- The results there are significant positive correlations between soil organic matter, total N, available N, available K, urease, invertase, alkaline-phosphatase and catalase. 结果表明:土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾、脲酶、蔗糖酶、碱性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶之间均呈极显著正相关;
- The content of soil available Sulphur was decreased after harvesting cole and radish. 另外种植油菜和四季萝卜的土壤,有效硫的含量较种植前略下降;
- And the increase rates of soil available phosphorus and slowly available phosphorus were MCSWFC>CSU>SFC. 土壤速效磷、缓效磷的增幅均为田菁水植养鱼处理>田菁旱作处理>蓄淡养鱼处理。
- Soil fungi number and urease activity were negative correlation with soil available potassium content. 土壤真菌数量、脲酶活性与有效钾含量呈负相关。
- A cooperative application of N, P and K can increas e the co ntents of organic matter, available N, av... N、P、K配施处理土壤有机质、速效氮、速效磷和速效钾增幅较大。
- The organic matter and available N, P, K in HPR field were decreased significantly than those in rice field. 2.夏季种植杂交狼尾草比种植水稻消耗了更多的土壤有机质和速效养分,不利于后作的生长。
- Compared with CK, soil available P increased by 10-fold and 3-fold with the treatment of NPKM and NPK+straw, and 3-5 fold with NP, PK and NPK. 氮磷钾配施有机肥速效磷含量比不施肥增加10倍以上,而氮磷钾配施秸秆比对照增加3倍;