- Soft cheese with white rind 柔皮白芝士
- Chr. Hansen expands the cheese culture palette with four new cultures aimed at producing soft cheese with just the right taste, texture and appearance. 科汉森公司又推出了四种新型发酵剂,用于生产风味纯正、质地优良的软质干酪。
- A soft white cheese with a very strong odor and flavor. 林堡干酪一种软的并有强的气味和芳香的白干酪
- A mold-ripened, whole-milk cheese with a whitish rind and a soft, light yellow center. 布里干酪一种模制熟全奶干酪,带白色外皮和质软、浅黄色心
- Soft cheese with washed rind 水洗软质奶酪
- The painter lightened the color with white. 油漆工用白色调淡颜色。
- A mold-ripened,whole-milk cheese with a whitish rind and a soft,light yellow center. 布里干酪一种模制熟全奶干酪,带白色外皮和质软、浅黄色心。
- I like cottage cheese with fruit. 我喜欢配着水果吃白软干酪。
- Would you care for cheese with your wine? 女士,您喝酒是否喜欢来点乳酪和酒。
- How about some cheese with your bread? 你的面包要加点儿奶酪吗?
- The walls were hung with white satin. 房间四壁挂起白色绸幔。
- Who is that man with white hair and dark eyes? 那位白头发黑眼睛的人是谁?
- A trademark for a soft cheese resembling a mild Limburger. 利德克兰兹牌乳酪象林堡软干酪的一种软质奶酪的商标名
- Alaskan birch with white to pale brown bark. 阿拉斯加的一种桦树,白色至浅棕色树皮。
- This hen is gray with white speckles. 这只母鸡灰色带白斑点。
- Enjoy with grilled meats and soft cheeses. 搭配烤肉、乳酪口味鲜美无比。
- Come and take your bread and cheese with me this evening. 今天晚上到我家里吃顿便饭吧。
- Her dog is brown with white splashes. 她的狗是带白花的黄狗。
- The painter lightened the red paint with white. 油漆匠用白漆把红漆调淡。
- Mix ricotta cheese with parsley, salt and pepper in a small bowl. 乳酪加入欧芹末,盐和胡椒粉拌匀在一小碗里。