- socialization reform of rear service 后勤社会化改革
- Social reform of rear service 后勤社会化改革
- On the social reform of college rear service 关于高校后勤社会化改革问题的探讨
- Influence on the New Promoted Campus Security after the Social Reform of the Rear Service and Strategy 新升格高校后勤社会化对安全工作的影响及对策
- Way Out for Reform of Rear Service Lies in Innovation 创新是加快党校后勤改革的根本出路
- On the Principle of Serving the Public Good in the Reform of Rear Service Socialization in the Institutions of Higher Education 论高校后勤社会化改革中的公益性原则
- Reform of rear service 后勤改革
- college rear service socialization reform 高校后勤社会化改革
- The technical components of hospital safety include safe practice in diagnosis, treatment, and first aid, and a perfect system of rear service and security guard. 医院安全保障体系的技术构成包括安全的诊疗救护技术、后勤供养技术和安全保卫技术。
- The Reform of the Rear Service System 浅谈后勤体制改革
- They called for a radical reform of our tax system. 他们要求对税收制度进行根本改革。
- rear service socialization reform in colleges and universities 高校后勤社会化改革
- rear service reform of colleges and universities 高校后勤改革
- To supply rear-service guarantee for front-line operation; finish company yearly checking. Use available resources to ensure smooth running of rear services. 为一线作业人员提供后勤保障,完成营业执照、货代证书、劳动用工等年审工作;利用现有资源,保证后勤包括保洁保安水电维修等工作顺利进行。
- How to Push the Reform of Social Management System? 如何推动社会管理体制的改革?
- Part Four: How to push forward the socialization reform of military logistic support. 第四部分:对推进军队后勤保障社会化改革的思考。
- the socialization of rear service 后勤社会化
- He became an active social reformer. 他成了一位积极的社会改革家。
- The politician was a famous social reformer. 那位政治家曾是著名的社会改革家。
- The socialized reform of university's logistics of our country is a longer historical evolution.It needs to pass four developing periods roughly. 我国高校后勤社会化改革是一个较长的历史发展过程,经过分析和预测大致需要经过四个发展时期。