- Several Labour MPs broke away to join the Social Democrats. 有些工党下议院议员脱党後加入社会民主党。
- They are certainly outnumbered by the Social Democrats. 他们在数量上肯定不及社会民主党人。
- The Social Democrats held office then. 当时是社会民主党执政。
- Several labour mps break away to join the social democrats. 有些工党下议院议员脱党後加入社会民主党。
- The Social Democrats are now in alliance with the Greens. 社会民主党现在与绿党结成联盟。
- They didn't rule out coalition with the Social Democrats. 他们不排除与社会民主党人结盟的可能性。
- Jeremy never misses an opportunity to beat the drum for the Social Democrats. 杰里米从不失去竭力支持社会民主党人的机会。
- They were ready to enter into a coalition with the Social Democrats. 他们准备和社会民主党联合。
- Social Democratic Alliance of Yugoslavia: f.1990. 南斯拉夫社会民主联盟:1990年成立。
- The Social Democrats had languished in an opposition that threatened to become permanent. 社会民主党处于有可能成为永久性的反对党的地位,但它本来已经奄奄一息。
- The Internationale is sung not only by communists but also (in many countries) by socialists or social democrats. 国际歌不仅仅被共产主义者所传唱,而且在很多国家中的社会主义者、社会民主党人中也广泛流传。
- In Hesse its share of the vote slumped from 48.8% in 2003 to 36.8%, barely ahead of the Social Democrats (SPD). 在黑森这个数字由2003年的48.;8%25降至36
- When Mr Reinfeldt came to power in 2006, the Social Democrats had run the country for 65 of the 74 previous years. 林菲尔德2006年上台,在过去的74年中社会民主党已经执掌全国65个年头。
- The results bring an end to an unwieldy four-year "grand coalition" between the CDU and the Social Democrats (SPD). 这一结果使得基督教民主党与社会民主党(SPD)之间长达四年的尴尬合作画上句号。
- What on the surface appeared a relatively minor issue in fact went to the heart of a fundamental question facing the Social Democrats. 那些在表面上看相对次要的问题实际上牵涉到社会民主党面临的根本问题。
- GERMANY'S grand coalition is supposedly a union of the centre-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and their left-leaning foes, the Social Democrats (SPD). 德国的大联合政府一般认为是中间偏右的基督教民主联盟(CDU)和他们的左派对手社会民主党(SPD)的联合。
- The deal pleased the Social Democrats in Germany's coalition, their union friends and the premiers of the four states where Opel has factories. 这笔交易让德国联盟的社会民主党员和他们的工会成员以及建有欧宝工厂的四州州长很是满意。
- Outsiders look enviously at Sweden's economic success. So why are the Swedes thinking of voting out the ruling Social Democrats next weekend? 外人带着嫉妒看待瑞典的经济成就。那何以瑞典人正考虑在下周末将执政的社会民主党选下台呢?
- They, the Social Democrats, never so much as ventured on such a course, and they, the Social Democrats, are no worse than other people. 他们社会民主党从来不会在这件事上冒险,他们社会民主党也不比别人更坏。
- Mr Nuder asserts that it is no worse than any other, and he claims that the Social Democrats welcome choice in education and health care. 纽德声称这一点并不比别国的差,他表示社民党欢迎在教育和医疗保健上的选择。