- Snyder induction furnace 斯奈德电感炉
- We have 100 KGS, 300 KGS, 800 KGS induction furnace as melting equipment. 我们拥有100公斤、300公斤、800公斤电炉,可进行各种材质的熔炼炼。
- The application of CaO crucible in high temperature smelting alloy in vacuum induction furnace was introduced. 此外简单介绍了氧化钙坩埚在真空感应炉中冶炼高温合金的使用情况。
- Ti-Ni alloy was melted in CaO crucible and poured in a controlled atmosphere induction furnace. 试验中,使用氧化钙坩埚来熔炼钛镍合金,钛镍合金的浇铸过程在真空感应加热炉中完成;
- Based on a medium-frequency induction furnace, design and calculation of refrigeration unit are given in details. 摘要以一台中频感应炉为例,实用的电炉用制冷计算公式。叙述了电炉用制冷冷却系统的设计计算过程。
- A new type of ramming drier material and its working situation of medium frequency coreless induction furnace for melting aluminum are stated. 介绍中频无心感应熔铝炉用新型干式成型耐火材料和使用情况。
- The principle of load balance adjustment in mains-frequency coreless induction furnace isintroduced and the adjustment method is analyzed in details. 介绍了工频无心感应电炉保持负载平衡的原理,详细分析了调节负载平衡的方法。
- The technology makes it feasible that nickel-chromium ferroalloys can be produced with the stainless steel fume in medium frequency induction furnace. 中频感应炉将不锈钢生产中产生的烟尘冶炼镍铬铁,技术上可行,社会效果和经济效益显著。
- Melting characteristics of MF induction furnace have been expounded with comparison with that of mains frequency induction furnace as well as concerns in operation. 论述了中频感应电炉的特点,与工频感应电炉熔炼特性的比较及其操作注意事项。
- Under the conditions of laboratory and production,the effect of recarburation process in induction furnace melting on the structures and properties of cast iron was investigated. 在实验室和生产条件下,研究了感应炉熔炼增碳工艺对铸铁组织和性能的影响。
- When melting cast iron f or rollers in main frequency induction furnace,the recarburization of the molte n iron could be effectively achieved by using new types of recarburizer. 用工频电炉熔炼铸铁轧辊时,采用新型增碳剂可以有效地解决铁液的增碳问题。
- This paper analyses the main factors that affect energy consumption in coreless induction furnace,and suggests the main measures for reducing the energy consumption. 分析了影响无芯感应电炉电耗的主要因素,提出在实际生产中降低电耗的主要措施。
- The non-metallic inclusions morphology in the steel treated with calcium has been investigated with theoretical calculation and experiment in vacuum induction furnace. 通过理论计算和在真空感应炉中钢水钙处理试验,研究了钙处理对钢中非金属夹杂物形态的影响。
- Introduce the electroshock penetration, mechanism of vacuum induction furnace, analysis the reasons of it and put forword the methods to pvevent electroshock penetration. 摘要介绍了真空感应电炉电击穿的机理,分析了国产真空感应电炉电击穿的原因,提出了预防感应线圈匝间电击穿的各种措施。
- The effect of superheat on characteristics of melt iron and microstructure of chilled iron camshaft was studied in a 1 t intermediate frequency induction furnace. 研究了1t中频炉铁液过热对铁液质量和激冷铸铁凸轮轴组织的影响。
- According to smelting in induction furnace, The lining made of quartz and banxite often product glutinous. Article analyzed the cause to refer the method to sloue. 针对使用感应炉熔炼,用石英砂、镁砂及铝矾土制作的炉补易发生粘渣情况,分析了产生的原因,提出了相应的对策。
- The article introduces the complex lining structure, lining compound and laying tecgnology oa the 1.2t mains frequency coreless induction furnace for melting Al. 本文介绍1.;2t无心感应熔铝炉的复合炉衬结构;炉衬材料的配方及筑炉工艺。
- It dealt with the necessity of applying the slag separating device in process of cupola induction furnace duplex smelting and the running principles of some of the devices. 论述了冲天炉感应炉双联熔炼过程中应用分渣装置的必要性和各类分渣装置的工作原理;
- Secondly, based on systems analysis of all kind of fluorin measure method, high frequency induction furnace / the Fluoride Ion-Selective Electrod (ISE) is the best measure method. 其次,对实验后的吸附剂进行了浸提试验,进一步分析了吸附的内在机理。
- A series of standard solution made up with standard substance of sodium carbonate, and combusted in a high-frequency induction furnace with pure oxygen, and the amount of total carbon was measured by infrared absorption. 摘要以碳酸钠为基准物质,配成一系列标准溶液,在通有纯氧气的高频炉中燃烧,红外吸收法测定碳含量,绘制校准曲线,测定矽中总碳量,与推荐值基本一致,方法准确、结果满意。