- Sneak in through the kitchen 从厨房混了进去
- Despite stepped up security during the Shiite pilgrimage that is now underway, the women were able to sneak in through the crowd and carry out the attack. 尽管在目前的什叶派朝圣期间伊拉克当局加强了安全戒备,但是这几名女性自杀炸弹杀手还是得以混在人群中实施自杀式炸弹袭击。
- Daylight struggled in through the dirty panes. 日光困难地透过污秽的窗玻璃照射进来。
- Rain has worked in through the roof. 雨水透过房顶逐渐渗进屋子里。
- The moon shone brightly in through the window. 皎洁的月光从窗囗照了进来。
- Two white pigeons came in through the kitchen window, and then the turtledoves, and finally all the birds beneath the sky came whirring and swarming in, and lit around the ashes. 先飞来的是从厨房窗子进来的两只白鸽,跟着飞来的是两只斑鸠,接着天空中所有的小鸟都叽叽喳喳地拍动着翅膀,飞到了灰堆上。
- They caught him peeking in through the keyhole. 他们发现他从钥匙孔里向里窥视。
- They came tramping through the kitchen leaving dirty footmarks. 他们重踏著脚步穿过厨房走来,留下了肮脏的脚印。
- The glass table is too wide, we can't carry in through the doorway. 玻璃桌子太宽,我们无法把它抬过门道。
- She passed food through the hatch from the kitchen. 她把食物从厨房墙上的窗口递出去。
- The thief must have wormed in through the window. 小偷一定是从窗子里爬进来的。
- Sweet damp air poured in through the vent. 惬意的、湿润的空气从通风孔里灌进来。
- The dust sift in through the crack in the window. 灰尘从窗户的裂缝里钻了进来。
- The rays of the sun poured in through the window. 阳光从窗口照射进来。
- Dust blew in through the cracks. 灰尘从裂缝中吹进来。
- The boy decided to sneak in to pick some apples after dark. 孩子们决定天黑后溜进去摘些苹果。
- Sunlight poured in through the windows . 阳光通过窗户泻入室内。
- Sunlight poured in through the windows. 阳光透过窗户照射进来。
- You have to go in through the back entrance. 你得从后门进去。
- I had to push my way in through the crowd. 我只得费力地在人群中穿行。