- Longitudinalcheng he solid throughout, folding fighting snake river, tortuous. 固城河纵贯全境,河道斗折蛇行,迂回曲折。
- Pass by Idaho Falls and drive along the Snake River to enter to Grand Tenton National Park. 一路上但见辽阔的草原,驰骋的牛羊,抵达农牧产品集散地爱连荷瀑布市。
- Topographic Distortion of a Cold Front over the Snake River Plain and Central Idaho Mountains. 斯内克河平原及爱达荷山脉中部上空冷锋的地形畸变。
- Along the Snake River at Sunrise Below Mount Moran Grand Teton National Park Wyomi... 网集国际顶级摄影师镜头下震慑人心的世界顶级美景,地球瑰宝带给网友欣赏。
- In the recent two decades, the disputation about removal of the four lower Snake River dams is spread to America. 近20年来,环保主义者不断要求拆除斯内克河下游的4座大坝,争论波及全美。
- Photo Gallery: Plains The Snake River wends through wooded flats in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming. 意译:平原的图片画廊。这蛇河行走通过树木繁茂的平坦的宏伟的Teton国家公园,怀俄明州。
- A river rising in the Wind River Range of western Wyoming and flowing about 161 km (100 mi) westward to the Snake River. 格罗文特河:发源于美国怀俄明州以西风河流域的一条河,向西161公里(100英里)流入斯内克河
- Some events pulled in extraordinary money: $1m for crashing over 13 single-deckers in London, $6m for the Snake River plunge. 一些重大表演还会赚到巨额奖金:在伦敦飞跃13辆单层公交车赚了一百万美元,后来飞跃斯内克河峡谷获得了六百万美元。
- See the Snake River Canyon of Idaho, then visit the famous cowboy town Jackson.Enter the magnificent mountain valley of Grand Teton.Spend the night in Yellowstone. 上午入爱德华州,途经蛇河峡谷,到达怀俄明州有西部牛仔城镇之称的杰克森市,观赏出名的鹿角公园后进入大提顿国家公园,高耸入云的山颠, 山连山,峰连峰,夜宿黄石国家公园。
- He took off jacket trousers decisively, feeling icy stone, prep against onflow, carrying drizzle on the head, one pace ground had waded eggplant snake river. 他果断地脱掉了外衣长裤,摸着冰凉的石头,迎着湍流,顶着细雨,一步一步地趟过了茄蛇河。
- Since 1930s the US Army Corps of Engineers has built and operated a string of 8 hydropower stations along the lower Columbia and Snake River and adult and juvenile salmon passages are maintained with various measures. 自20世纪30年代起,美国陆军工程师团建设并运行哥伦比亚河及斯内克河下游的8座梯级水电站,这些水电站通过各种工程措施维持鱼类洄游通道。
- With emerald Snake River and Jenny Lake at the base, and snow capped Teton peaks as backdrop, nature again unfolded a stunning scenic view arising from a 55 mile long prairie road. 积雪覆盖的Teton山峰,高耸于碧绿的河流湖泊,大自然又一次令人惊叹地展现了一幅55英里长的自然风景画卷。
- She recoiled at the sight of the snake. 她一见到蛇就往后缩。
- The dog drew back in terror when it saw the snake. 那狗看到这条蛇时,害怕得缩了回去。
- Did Harry tell you that? He's snake in the grass. 是哈利这么跟你说的吗?他是个不可信任的人。
- The girl screamed at the sight of the snake. 那女孩看到蛇就尖叫起来。
- The river had worn a ravine between the hills. 那条河在两山之间已造成一个深谷。
- At the sight of the snake, he drew back in horror. 一瞧见那蛇,他便吓得缩了回来。
- Can we dredge the river to make it deeper? 我们能不能把这条河疏浚得深一点?
- An army, like a snake, fight on its belly. 军队好比一条蛇,要靠肚子来打仗。