- Smoke swirled up the chimney. 烟气从烟囱里袅袅上升.
- Sparks from the fire were flying up the chimney. 火星沿著烟囱向上飘。
- A mighty blaze went roaring up the chimney. 雄雄的烈焰正冲上烟囱,
- There's not enough draught up the chimney. 烟囱上的通风不足。
- A shower of sparks flew up the chimney. 烟囱里飞出无数火星。
- If the flue overdraws, all the heat goes right up the chimney. 如果风管抽风过度的话,热量就会直接从烟囱跑掉了。
- Then he stuffed all the food up the chimney with glee. 然后他把所有的食物从烟囱送出去。
- Eugenie turned hastily to the chimney piece, took up the candles. 欧也妮突然转身跑向壁炉架拿烛台。
- He threw the paper onto the fire and it flew up the chimney. 他把那张纸扔进火里,纸飘进了烟道。
- Smoke goes up the chimney. 烟顺烟囱而上。
- This fireplace smokes badly(= sends smoke into the room instead of up the chimney). 这座壁炉排烟不好。
- A fog swirled up from the valley. 雾从山谷中涡旋而升。
- The worker quickly cleared away the dirt that was choking up the chimney. 那工人很快就把塞住烟囱的污垢清除干净了。
- Zillah urging flakes of flame up the chimney with a colossal bellows;and Mrs. 齐拉正在用力的拉一个巨大的风箱,让火燃得大一些;
- Strong winds brought the water swirling up the main street. 强风卷起河水在大街上空盘旋。
- Zillah urging flakes of flame up the chimney with a colossal bellows;Mrs. 齐拉正在用力的拉一个巨大的风箱,让火燃得大;
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。
- The new chairman will shake up the company. 新任董事长将改组这家公司。
- It opened into the house, where the females were already astir; Zillah urging flakes of flame up the chimney with a colossal bellows; and Mrs. 接着,更有活力的脚步走了进来,而这次,我也开口道“早安”,但是没有人回应,我只好闭嘴。
- Do you mind if I draw up the blinds? 我卷起窗帘你不反对吧?