- Smoke curled above the fire. 烟在火上袅袅上升。
- Scarlett's mind went back through the years to the still, hot noon at Tara when gray smoke curled above a blue-clad body and Melanie stood at the top of the stairs with Charles' saber in her hand. 思嘉思想起许多年前在塔拉时那个寂静而热的中午,那时一个穿蓝衣的北方佬的尸体侧躺在楼道底下,缕缕灰色的烟还在他头上缭绕,媚兰站在楼梯顶上,手里拿着查尔斯的军刀。
- Above the town, the fire was still blazing. 市镇上方的大火仍在熊熊燃烧着。
- She curled up in front of the fire with a book. 她蜷曲在炉火前看书。
- Smoke sensors warned us of the fire. 烟雾探测器已向我们发出火警警报。
- The smoke curled up from chimney. 烟囱里的青烟缭绕上升。
- Escape from the fire above the 11th floor was rather difficilt. 从11层楼以上逃离火境是相当困难的。
- The smoke curled steadily upwards. 烟袅袅上升。
- His band percolates with passion while Luis' virtuoso guitar floats above the fire. 而他的乐队浸透路易斯'吉他演奏家以上浮火激情。
- The smoke curled up from the chimney. 烟从烟囱中袅袅升起。
- The kettle was boiling away merrily on the fire. 壶水烧开了咕嘟咕嘟地滚泡。
- Soon smoke curled around Al's face. 不一会儿,烟就(从睡袋口冒出来,)在艾尔的脸庞四周缭绕着。
- The glider was soaring above the valley. 那架滑翔机在山谷上空滑翔。
- Wisps of smoke curled in the air. 一缕缕青烟缭绕在空中。
- A crowd gathered at the scene of the fire. 许多人聚集在火灾现场。
- The tower on the hill brooded above the village. 小山上的塔楼俯视着那个村庄。
- Smoke curled out of the chimney . 烟囱烟囱里袅袅升起。
- So he flew to a brook drenching his feathers and then came back shaking off the water above the fire, and repeated it continuously. 于是他飞到小溪边用水沾湿羽毛然后飞回来再把水抖落在火上,来来回回。
- The fire blazed up when he poured petrol on it. 他浇上汽油火就熊熊地燃烧起来了。
- His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的一条腿从膝盖以上截去了。