- Under these difficult economic conditions, how do we solve the problem of financing small and medium sized businesses? 经济寒冬下,如何破解中小企业融资难题?
- As such, Dr. Yeh is positive toward the government policy to subsidize small and medium sized businesses paying salaries paid to overseas recruits. 也因此,对于政府补助中小企业延揽海外人才的薪资政策,叶博士持正面肯定的态度。
- small and mid - sized industries 中小企业
- By being responsive and attentive to the client's needs, they build their reputation among small and medium sized businesses in Europe, the US and throughout the world. 通过响应和留意顾客的需要,他们在欧洲、美国乃至全世界建立起自己的声誉。
- small and mid - sized private enterprise 中小民营企业
- small and mid - sized enterprise 中小企业
- Look in him, to adoring such small and medium sized business for, internet is drive. 在他看来,对于爱慕这样的中小型企业来说,互联网正是快车道。
- the small and medium- sized businesses 中小企业
- And be engaged in bulkily " foreign trade " in the team, those who load brunt action is numerous small and medium sized business however. 而在庞大的从事“外贸”的队伍中,担负主力作用的却是为数众多的中小型企业。
- small and medium- sized businesses 中小企业
- small and mid -sized enterprises 中小企业
- In addition Alibaba still rolled out the product kimono Wu with a few new Ge, help small and medium sized business lowers the threshold that enters electronic business affairs. 此外阿里巴巴还推出了几个新的产品和服务,帮助中小型企业降低进入电子商务的门槛。
- Between late September and mid October. 九月下旬到十月中旬。
- We have only one mid size car left. 我们只剩下1部中型车。
- He was small and healthily built. 他个子小但身体很健康。
- The Greek army is small and poorly equipped. 其军队人数不多且装备落后。
- Cindy is small and just comes up to my chest. 辛迪个子很小,只到我的胸脯那么高。
- For the high and mid toms, it's best to use the same model mic. 在高音和中音桶鼓上最好使用相同型号的麦克。
- There was a small and not very sanitary inn nearby. 附近有一家不那么卫生的小客栈。
- Chronic prostatitis is a common disease in young and mid aged men. 慢性前列腺炎是中青年男性泌尿生殖系统的常见病和多发病,其病因复杂。