- Slow coronary flow 冠状动脉慢血流
- Coronary flow reserve (CFR) were assessed in 28 of patients. 对其中28例患者进行了冠脉血流储备的研究。
- After angioplasty, the coronary flow was TIMI 3 in all patients. 经气球扩张术后,病人的冠状动脉血流完全畅通。
- Ayres studied coronary flow and myocardial metabolic response to a cute elevation of COHb in man during diagnostic cariac catheterization. 艾尔斯研究了诊断中施行导管插入术期间人的冠状动脉血流量和心肌代谢对一氧化碳急剧上升的反应。
- The impaired microvasculature may profoundly affect the coronary flow velocity pattern in the IRA. 结论:微血管床的损害可以影响心外膜冠脉血流动力学。
- CVR by transthorcic color Doppler coronary flow imaging decreased with the severity of myocardial ischemia by ECT. 随ECT所示缺血程度的加重CVR值逐渐降低。
- To investigate the effect of hypertensive with left ventricular hypertrophy on coronary basic flow velocity and coronary flow reserve. 高血压左室肥大对冠状动脉基础血流和储备功能影响的探讨。
- Objective:To determine the feasibility of measurement coronary flow reserve(CFR)by transthoracic Doppler echocardiography(TTE). 目的 :探讨应用经胸超声心动图 (TTE)检测冠状动脉前降支 (LAD)远段血流评价冠状动脉血流储备 (CFR)的方法学。
- F 3 antagonized the reduction of coronary flow induced by pituitrin on isolated heart of guinea-pig in dose-dependent manner. F3可以量效依赖地拮抗脑垂体后叶素所致冠脉流量的减少。
- Objective:To determine the impact of graded temporary acute aortic regurgitation on coronary flow and coronary flow reserve(CFR)in opened-chest dogs. 目的:应用冠脉血流显像技术探讨急性主动脉瓣返流对冠脉血流和冠脉血流储备的影响。
- These finding suggest that the systole diastolic performances became stronger and coronary flow increased and that the heart rate became slower after Equisetum hiemale Ltreatment. 木贼有增强心脏收缩与舒张功能 ,有增加冠脉流量和减慢心率的作用。
- Objective To assess feasibility,sensitivity of transesophageal echocardiography(TEE) in visualizing coronary artery segments and in measuring their coronary flow velocity(CFV). 目的 为评价经食道超声心动图 (TEE)显示冠状动脉形态和血液频谱的可行性和敏感性。
- The proximal and distal average peak velocity(APV),diastolic/systolic velocity ratio(DSVR),coronary flow reserve(CFR)and proximal/distal velocity ratio(P/DVR)were measured. 用CardiometricsFlomapII和0.;014英寸多普勒钢丝测量:近端及远端平均峰速(APV)、舒张期与收缩期流速比(DSVR)、血流储备(CFR)和近端与远端流速比(P/DVR)。
- Angina pectoris is caused by transient myocardial ischemia due to decreased coronary flow, manifested as episodic retrosternal pain, smothering and choking, etc. 心绞痛由于冠状动脉供血不足;心肌暂时性缺血引起发作性胸骨后疼或胸闷憋气等症状.
- Strauer Be, Motz W, Vogt M, et al. Impaired coronary flow res erve in NIDDM: a possible role for diabetic cardiopathy in human. Diabetes, 1997 ,46(Supple 2):5119. 林金秀,陈达光,陈济添,等.;高血压左心室肥厚与冠心病患者的冠脉血流储备
- In our presentation we discussed the intramyocardial coronary anatomy, superiority of color Doppler coronary flow imaging and its potential in clini-cal application. 本文详细讨论了冠脉解剖、冠状动脉血流显像新技术的优越性及其临床应用的潜力。
- In our presentation we discussed the intramyocardial coronary anatomy,superiority of color Doppler coronary flow imaging and its potential in clinical application. 本文详细讨论了冠脉解剖、冠状动脉血流显像新技术的优越性及其临床应用的潜力。
- Relations were slow to normalize after the war. 战后国际正常关系恢复缓慢。
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- Accordingly, we aimed to determine whether serum GGT level is independently and specifically associated with coronary flow reserve (CFR) impairment in hypertensive patients. 本研究探讨血浆GGT水平是否与高血压患者的冠状动脉血流储备(CFR)减少存在特异性相关性。