- Slimy gomphidius 粘铆钉菇
- The slimy snail slid slowly down the slide. 粘滑的蜗牛在滑面上慢慢地下滑。
- The town was deluged with thick slimy mud. 该城到处都是又厚又黏的泥.
- The slimy pavement looked like a wet mackintosh. 粘搭搭的人行道看来象一件湿雨衣。
- He pulled some slimy string inside me. 他用卑劣的手段巴结我。
- She has to wash slimy dishes and dirty clothes. 她要洗油腻腻的碟子和肮脏的衣服。
- Why, you slimy, double-crossing,no-good swindler! 看!我的朋友来了,注意点,好吗?
- The walls were black, cold and slimy. 墙又黑又冷,上面满是黏湿的污迹。
- The seaweed felt cold and slimy. 海藻摸起来冷冰冰黏糊糊的。
- Come to negotiate, eh, have you, you slimy git? 来谈判吧?怎么样?你个欠揍的家伙.
- The walls were all slimy and green. 这些墙布满了青苔,极其黏滑。
- Maggie: Doug, you slimy snake in the grass. 麦琪:早啊,你这个狡猾的毒蛇。
- Slimy soldier Wickham says Darcy has a shady past. 居心不良的士兵威克哈姆诋毁达西有一段见不得人的过去。
- The man is not Immanuel, the woman is not slimy baby. 男人不是救世主,女人不是泥娃娃。
- There I sat on that slimy table, uncertain what to do. 我坐在那张粘滑的桌子上,不知道怎样做才好。
- Carol: You snake! You scuzzwad! You slimy sniggley slime bucket! 卡罗尔:你这毒蛇,你这小子,你这又蠢又坏的小笨蛋!
- He slipped on the slimy steps. 他在泥泞的台阶上摔倒了。
- You slimy little creep! 你这个卑鄙无耻的奴才!
- The snake's skin was scaly and dry, not wet and slimy as I had thought. 这条蛇的皮干燥又有鳞片,不是我原先以为的湿湿黏黏的。