- Sky leaking in western Sichuan 川西天漏
- The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. 川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。
- The clastic rocks widespread in the Triassic Xikang Group in western Sichuan consist dominantly of turbiditic flysch formations. 摘要三叠系西康群碎屑岩主体为一套浊积岩复理石建造。
- The rain is leaking in large drop through the roof. 雨正大滴大滴地从屋顶漏下来。
- Subalpine forests in Western Sichuan are an important part of water conservation forests in Southwestern China. 川西亚高山森林是我国西南亚高山水源涵养林的重要组成部分。
- The rain drip down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。
- Stretching Southwards,it could connect the Late Archaean Yakou Gneiss and its equivalents in Western Sichuan and Central Yunnan. 它与川滇交界区晚太古代垭口片麻岩等一起构成川西滇中地区的片麻岩基底.
- Miyaluo area is one of the typical regions covered by subalpine coniferous forests in western Sichuan province of southwestern China. 米亚罗地区是四川西部较为典型的亚高山针叶林区域之一。
- Li Jiliang.Eugeosynline rock association of Yanbian group in western Sichuan, China.Bull.Chinese Acad.Geol.Sci., 1984, 9: 21-34. [1]李继亮.;川西盐边群的优地槽岩石组合
- The rain dripped down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。
- At this point, a unit of the People"s Liberation Army to attack the site in western Sichuan, according to the days of KMT Mengshan 18 ... 此时,解放军某部在攻打盘据在川西天蒙山上的国民党18...
- The vertical distribution of soil animal community in ubalpine coniferous forest in western Sichuan still had surface accumulation, but had the tend of adown moving. 川西亚高山针叶林土壤动物群落垂直分布仍具有表聚性,但有向下层移动的趋势。
- We stopped the leak in the gas pipe by means of lead. 我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞。
- Field observation and analysis of the DEM of Western Sichuan Plateau indicate that, there are two planation surfaces and one erosion surface in Western Sichuan Plateau. 野外地质地貌调查和对川西高原DEM的分析结果表明,川西高原存在两级夷平面和一级剥蚀面。较高的一级海拔5100m左右,分布在山脉的顶部,称山顶面;
- The water is leaking in through the cracks. 水正从裂缝中渗进来。
- QI Zemin,WANG Kaiyun,SONG Guangyi.Bio-chemical properties of the forest floor in subalpine bamboo communities in western Sichuan[J].Acta Ecologica Sinica,2004,24(6):1230-1236. [20]齐泽民;王开运;宋光煜.;川西亚高山箭竹群落枯枝落叶层生物化学特性[J]
- The rain is leaking in through a crack in the roof. 雨从屋顶缝隙中漏入。
- Gasoline dribbled from the leak in the tank. 汽油从油槽漏隙滴下。
- Except for a small part of Yunnan with a population of two million,the movement has not been or should not be conducted in the rest of the province,20 counties in Guizhou,and areas inhabited by minority nationalities in western Sichuan and Xikang. 只有云南大部,贵州二十个县,川西、西康的少数民族地区,尚未进行或不应进行,云南二百万人口的地区正在进行。