- Site at Chichen Itza 奇琴·伊察遗址
- PYRAMID AT CHICHEN ITZA, MEXICO: This step pyramid surmounted by a temple was part of a sacred site in an important Mayan center on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. 奇琴伊察金字塔(墨西哥公元800):阶梯形金字塔建造于庙宇之上,是墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上重要的玛雅文明中心的圣地的一部分。
- There are ruins in Chichen Itza of a very old Mayan city. 在奇前伊萨有玛雅城的古遗。
- Chichen Itza Pyramid, Mexico.This step pyramid surmounted by a temple was part of a sacred site in an important Mayan center on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula. 奇琴伊察金字塔(墨西哥):阶梯形金字塔建造于庙宇之上,是墨西哥尤卡坦半岛上重要的玛雅文明中心的圣地的一部分。
- EDF won one site at Bradwell, in Essex. 法国电力公司EDF竞得位于埃塞克斯的布拉韦尔地点。
- The new hospital will be sited at the city center. 新医院将座落在市中心。
- Have we booked our site at the exhibition center? 我们在展览中心的场地预订好了吗?
- In what is perhaps the biggest insult, director Steven Spielberg and writer George Lucas place the Maya pyramid of Chichen Itza, located in Mexico, in the Peruvian jungle. 最让秘鲁人感到羞辱的,则是导演史蒂芬史匹柏与编剧乔治卢卡斯把墨西哥马雅时代的奇琴伊察金字塔,张冠李戴搬到了秘鲁丛林。
- Hongkong Post has set up a pilot site at Tseung Kwan O Post Office. 香港邮政已于将军澳邮政局设立试点。
- Chichen Itza was a thriving city until the 13th century, when revolt and civil war broke out among the Mayans, at which point the city went into a steep decline from which it never recovered. 直到13世纪,奇琴伊察都是一个繁荣的城市。此后,玛雅爆发了叛乱和内战,导致了这座城市的迅速没落,并再也没有恢复。
- The new hospital will be sited at the city centre. 新医院将坐落在市中心。
- The Vatican inaugurated the Holy See Vatican Web Site at Christmas, 1995. 梵蒂冈于1995年圣诞节创建了圣座梵蒂冈“全球网”网址。
- Every commercial on television has a web site at the bottom of the screen. 每个电视广告下面都有一个网址。
- MORIS was founded with 30 years, sited at Milan. 公司位于意大利米兰地区,拥有30年的经营历史;
- Now view your page by clicking View Site at the top of the Admin panel. 现在在管理面板的上面,点击访问站点访问你的网页。
- The building is clad in local timber. Light boxes illuminate the site at night. 外立面材料以当地的木材为主。一些光亮的立方体散落在基地间,在夜间十分耀眼。
- The exact site at which clonidine exerts this central effect is not precisely known. 可乐宁发挥中枢作用的确切部位尚不清楚。
- Stomium (pl. stomia) The site at which a sporangium or pollen sac ruptures to release the spores or pollen. 裂口:孢子囊或花粉囊的开裂位置,小孢子或花粉粒从中散出。
- The first two,at Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing,have begun operation and a third site at Pok Fu Lam will open in 1999. 首两个指定停泊地点位于屯门和葵青,已经启用;第三个停泊地点位于薄扶林,将于一九九九年启用。
- Further information can be obtained from the web site at http://www. sme.gcn.gov.hk. 详情请浏览网址http://www.;sme