- Sisco was sad and shocked. 西斯可既震惊又难过。
- It was grave; it was sad and comic. 它是坟墓,既悲惨又滑稽。
- From now on, don't be sad and depress. 从现在开始,不要悲哀不要消沉;
- The dragonfly saw the girl was sad and wanted to help her. 蜻蜓看到难过的女孩并想要帮助她。
- She could see that they were sad and foolish. 她看得出来,他们有点忧戚,还有点傻里傻气。
- Smiley was sad and disgusted, but he had no idea what the matter was. 斯麦尔利又气又难过,他不知道到底发生了什么事情。
- "When I got the news I was so sad and shocked," said Ng, whose favorite Jackson song is "Billie Jean. “当我得知噩耗时,悲痛欲绝,”Ng说道,她最喜爱的杰克逊的金曲是“BillieJean”。
- I didn't dare to tell the truth.I feared she would be sad and wither at once. 我不敢说实话,怕她伤心得一下子就凋谢了。
- A burst of fear and shock and black as he hit, and then he was adrift in a strange strange sky, forgetting, remembering, forgetting; afraid and sad and sorry, terribly sorry. 他撞上去的时候,心中爆发出一阵恐惧和惊慌,眼前一阵发黑,跟着他好像在一个十分奇怪的太空中飘浮,失去了记忆,恢复了记忆,恢复了又失去;他又是害怕,又是发愁,心里很难过,非常难过。
- Federico Lombardi, told the Italian news agency ANSA it was “sad and painful” to hear the slayings had gone ahead. 梵蒂冈发言人菲德里克伦巴地告诉意大利安莎通讯社说听到死刑已经被执行“很悲伤,很痛苦”。
- I love you and you leave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still be able to survive. 我爱你,你离开了,我有失落感,我难过,我感到孤独,但我还能支撑下去。
- Now, with such rich provision for his need, why should the Christian be sad and desponding? 圣灵已经恩降作你的安慰者。
- I love you and youleave, I'll experience a loss and be sad and lonely, but I'll still beable to survive. 把一个人和另一个人捆绑在一起,而不给他发展的空间,这是一种虚假的爱。凯斯和温斯伯格把这个概念讲得很好。
- She was crying with vexation and shock. 她正在因烦恼和震惊而哭泣。
- Leaves behind in the life one minute and second joyful,to be sad and is happiness,records the life to have the trail... 留下生活中一分一秒的喜悦'生气'哀伤及快乐;记录著生命该有足迹...来纪念自己活过的每一天.
- Because when you are sad and gloomy and depressed, your eyes lose perceptivity. 你悲伤,而且沮丧,抑郁,你的眼睛将失去觉知。--
- He was still in a state of numbness and shock from the accident. 由于这事故,他还处于麻木与震惊状态之中。
- Taylor thought these kids were sad and they would want something that would hug them back. 泰勒认为这些小孩一定很难过,他们会想得到可能抱抱他们的东西。
- Than that you should remember and be sad. 也不愿你记住而愁容戚戚。
- Grief and shock aggravated her mental condition. 哀伤及震惊使她的精神情况恶化。