- Simple Message Format 简单信息格式
- Simple Message Transfer Protocol NSP. 简单报文传送协议。
- But i hope my simple message makes you smile! 但我希望我简单的短信息,使你微笑!
- You cannot use symbols with the Plain Text message format. 纯文本邮件格式不支持符号。
- The PDU message format describes a generic SMS message as a byte stream. PDU消息:该格式描述了一种字符流式通用短消息格式。
- In the Compose in this message format list, click the format you want. 在“以该邮件格式撰写”列表中,单击所需格式。
- These options are not available if you use plain text as your message format. 如果您使用纯文本邮件格式,则这些选项不可用。
- SMTP (Simple Message Transfer Protocol) is the base of Email transfer. Simple Message Transfer Protocol(简单邮件传输协议,以下简称SMTP)是网络邮件传输的基础。
- PDU message The PDU message format describes a generic SMS message as a byte stream. PDU消息:该格式描述了一种字符流式通用短消息格式。
- He switched to Transmit and repeted the simple message,"Come in, please," several times; then left the set on Receive. 他把旋扭拨到发报的地方,一连几次拍发“请联络”这样简单的信号;然后再拨到收报处等回音。
- Remote domain policies control out-of-office message settings and message format settings for a remote domain. 远程域策略控制远程域的“外出”邮件设置以及邮件格式设置。
- This is a fun read and is nonstop story telling with an overall simple message: good friends make for a good life. 这个有趣并且未完的故事只是要告诉我们一个简单的道理:有好朋友才有好生活。
- On the Actions menu, point to New Mail Message Using, and then click Microsoft Word (message format). 在“动作”菜单上,指向“新邮件使用”,然后单击“Microsoft Word(邮件格式)”。
- The embedded Email sender platform is realized based on Simple Message Transfer Protocol(SMTP). 通过精简简单邮件传输协议SMTP实现嵌入式Email发送平台。
- This requires that you be using Word as your e-mail editor and that your message format be either RTF or HTML. 此功能要求使用Word作为电子邮件编辑器,并且邮件格式为RTF或HTML。
- Agreement on what communication protocol and message format is to be used when one party sends information to another. 技术互用性:协议在传送数据时采用哪种通讯规约和讯息格式。
- Bobby McFerrin's simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry. 您不能帮助,但是求婚在您的寿命的每个方面的重点。
- The message file must be a text file that complies with the basic SMTP message format. 邮件文件必须是符合基本SMTP邮件格式的文本文件。
- A logo is a visual symbol which seeks to communicate a simple message to the public. 商标是一种向大众传递简单信息的视觉标志。
- What components rely on detailed knowledge of message formats? 哪个组件依赖消息格式的细节?