- Siliconzing composite layer 铸渗硅复合层
- Using a prefabricated porous ferroboron lump, a surface composite layer was made on gray cast iron matrix, with a common casting method. 通过预先制备带有孔隙的硼铁合金预制块,用普通浇注的方法,获得以灰铸铁为基的铸造表面复合材料。
- Intermetallic compound foam reinforced aluminium alloy surface composite layer are obtained by solution treatment after low pressure Casting. 通过低压铸造后固溶处理的方法,获得了网状金属间化合物增强铝合金表面复合层。
- Metal matrix composite layer reinforced in situ ZrC particles was formed by laser cladding overlapping on the medium carbon steel. 采用激光熔覆搭接技术,在中碳钢基体上制备出原位析出的颗粒增强金属基复合材料表层。
- The influence of WC content, coating treatment on quality and wear-resistance property of composite layer was studied by using metallographic studying and wear examination. 通过金相观察、磨损实验研究了WC颗粒含量及WC包覆.;性处理对渗层质量和渗层耐磨性的影响。
- Based on the action of ultrasonic-electrodepositing,the technique of preparating nanocermet(Ni-SiC) composite layer on the surface of metal substrates was studied. 基于超声电沉积复合作用,研究在金属表面获得纳米金属陶瓷复合镀层的基本工艺。
- The vanadium carbide/high chrome cast iron composite layer was formed on the surface of low-cost ZG310-570 by combining LFC process and casting penetration process. 结合消失模铸造工艺和铸渗表面强化技术,在廉价的ZG310-570表面形成一层碳化钒/高铬铸铁复合层。
- The influence law of particles content in the solution, solution temperature, stirring speed, surface activator etc on the particle content in Ni-P/PTFE composite layer was studied. 探讨了粒子悬浮量、镀液温度、搅拌速度、表面活性剂含量及pH值等工艺条件对Ni-P/PTFE复合镀层中PTFE粒子的含量影响。
- The results show that the hard materials increase with the WC content increasing.The composite layer has the best quality and the least wear extent as the WC is 50%.It is easier to mak... 结果表明:随着膏块中WC颗粒含量的增加,渗层中的硬质相也相应增加,在加入50%25WC时渗层质量最好,磨损量最小,且经过包覆改性处理后的WC更容易形成优良渗层。
- The composite layered architecture of an SOA can leverage existing systems and integrate them using service-oriented integration techniques. SOA的复合层架构可以利用现有的系统并且用基于服务的集成技术来集成它们。
- New base materials for integrated circuits, such as composite layers of gallium arsenide and gallium aluminum arsenide, may contribute to faster chips. 为像含有种种要素数层的金家砷化物和金家铝砷化物这样的集成电路的新基础材料,可能成为较快速的薯条因素。
- Burggraaf A.J., K.Keizer, and B.A.V.Hassel, “Ceramic Nanostructure Materials, Membranes and Composite Layers,” Solid State Ionics, Vol. 32/33 (Part 2), pp. 771-782 (1989). 杨金钟,“浅谈无机滤膜及其于废水处理之应用”,化工技术,第16卷第7期,第180页(2008)。
- The technological factors influencing the composite layers were discussed and the metallograph and the formation mechanism of composite layers were also studied. 对影响复合层的诸工艺因素作了考查,初步探讨了复合层的金相组织和复合层的形成机理。
- This layer of rock contains a lot of flint. 这一岩层中有大量燧石。
- Composite layer with vanadium and chromium 钒铬复合层
- Cr3 C2/Ni-base alloy composite layer Cr3C2/Ni基合金复合涂层
- The inner layer of the wall of a spore. 孢子内壁孢子壁的内层
- There is a fine layer of dust on the desk. 桌子上有一层薄薄的尘土。
- composite layer of bimetal rotor 双金属转子复合层
- composite layer with Si by casting 铸渗硅复合层