- The doctor was very thorough in his examination of the sick child. 医生对生病的孩子进行了仔细的检查。
- The sick child was well cared for night and day. 那个生病的孩子日夜受到很好的看护。
- The nurse was very tender toward the sick children. 护士对生病的孩子很温柔。
- The sick child was cocooned in blankets. 病孩紧紧地裹在毯子里。
- The doctor spoke words of cheer to the sick child. 医生向病童说了一些鼓励的话。
- The sick child was hurried to the hospital. 生病的小孩被赶紧送往医院。
- The sick child shouted with pain. 那病童痛得叫了起来。
- The mother remained up the whole night with her sick child. 母亲陪伴着生病的孩子彻夜未眠。
- The nurse administered the medicine to the sick child. 护士给生病的孩子服药。
- All night the mother kept vigil over the sick child. 母亲通夜守护在病儿的身边。
- The sick child looks still worse today than yesterday. 那个病童的情况今天看起来比昨天更不妙。
- The sick child was lying on the couch in the living room. 病孩躺在起居室的长椅上。
- The sick child passed a restless night. 这患病的孩子一夜未眠。
- A sick dog is as much a dependant as a sick child. “狗儿生病就像孩子生病一样需要人照顾。”
- The sick child whooped all night long. 那个生病的孩子咳嗽了整整一夜。
- She sponged the sick child down and put him to bed. 她用海绵把那生病的孩子周身擦洗一番,然后把他放在床上。
- She was up all night with a sick child. 她陪着一个生病的孩子彻夜未眠。
- She is watching over her sick child. 她在照料自己生病的孩子。
- In church we prayed to God for the sick child. 在教堂我们为生病的孩子向上帝祷告。
- The doctor leaned over the sick child. 医生向生病的孩子俯下身来。