- The Siberian tiger is the biggest cat in the world. 西伯利亚虎是世界上最大的猫科动物。
- This valley is one of the last strongholds of the Siberian tiger. 这条山谷是西伯利亚虎最后的几个主要栖息地之一。
- The zoo's Siberian tiger just gave birth to a baby cub. 动物园里的西伯利亚老虎刚刚生了只小老虎。
- The animal I like the most is the Siberian tiger because it is so beautiful. 动物中我最喜欢东北虎,因为它很漂亮。
- Police killed the Siberian tiger, Tatiana, shortly after they arrived at the zoo Tuesday. 周二警方到达公园后;立刻射杀了这只西伯利亚老虎塔蒂阿娜.
- A rare Siberian tiger was shot dead by police in central Russia after it escaped from a zoo and attacked a keeper. 一只罕见的西伯利亚虎从动物园逃脱,在攻击动物园的饲养人员之后,于俄罗斯中部被警察射杀。
- Genetic diversity of 3 generations (F1, F2, F3) of captive Siberian tiger population of China Felid Breeding Center. 本研究利用微卫星标记技术,研究了中国猫科动物繁育中心圈养东北虎种群三个世代(F1、F2、F3)的遗传多样性。
- Zoos also have most of the world's Siberian tigers. 动物园里还有世界上大部分的西伯利亚虎。
- Heilongjiang Siberian Tiger Park an 8-year-old Siberian tiger gave birth to sextuplets, all survived, the world's rare. 黑龙江东北虎林园一只8岁东北虎一胎产下6只小虎崽,全部成活,世界罕见。
- It was unclear how the 300-pound female Siberian tiger escaped or how long it was on the loose. 关于300磅的母西伯利亚虎是如何逃离的,以及逃离了多久,至今尚未查明。
- Its coat lies flatter than that of the Siberian tiger, the tawny color is richer, and the stripes are darker. 它的外套谎言过份夸赞胜于西伯利亚人的老虎, 黄褐色的颜色比较富有,而且斑纹很比较黑暗。
- Right: Boris, a Siberian tiger, is shown at the Edmonton Valley Zoo, Canada, May 28, 2007. 五月二十八日,加拿大爱德蒙顿河谷动物园里的西伯利亚虎波利斯。
- Above, six-week-old Siberian tiger cub Antares is presented at the Tierpark Friedrichsfelde Zoo in Berlin Aug. 4. 上述6周大的东北虎幼崽安塔里斯提出在动物公园弗里德里希斯费尔德在柏林动物园8月4日。
- VLADIMIR Putin is being feted by Russian media for saving a television crew from an attack by a Siberian tiger in the wilds of the Far East. 普京在远东原始森林上演“虎口救生”的惊险一幕,俄罗斯媒体正对他大加赞赏。
- Yanji City People’s Park Zoo has built-in, keeping a Siberian tiger, deer, peacocks, swans, and other valuable animals. 延吉市人民公园内建有动物园,饲养着东北虎、梅花鹿、孔雀、白天鹅等名贵动物。
- Grizzly bear wrangler Jeff Watson and wildlife vet Ellen Rogers reveal the fundamental differences between the Siberian tiger and the Brown bear, two ferocious predators. 今集《猛兽擂台》中,两位学者为灰棕熊与西伯利亚虎的凶悍程度进行辩论,彼此都有各自的见解。
- There are about one thousand Siberian tigers in zoos. 动物园里大约有一千只西伯利亚虎。
- WWF has been working to prevent fires in the Russian Far East for three years, with the protection of the Siberian tiger habitat as one of its main objectives. 过去三年,总会一直在俄罗斯远东地区从事防止山火工作,主要目的在保护西伯利亚虎的栖息地。
- There are five species of tiger alive today: the Royal Bengal tiger, the Indo-Chinese tiger, the Siberian tiger, the South China tiger and the Sumatran tiger. 至今,地球上还存有五种老虎:孟加拉白虎、印支虎、东北虎、华南虎和苏门答腊虎。为了获取虎皮和虎骨,人类几乎将老虎灭绝。
- A liger resembles a giant lion with diffused stripes.They are the largest cats in the world, although the Siberian Tiger is the largest pure sub-species. 狮虎与巨狮类似,身上布满斑纹,它们是世界上体型最大的猫科动物,西伯利亚虎则是体型最大的纯亚种猫科动物。