- Short Tour Overseas Returned 海外短期服役归来
- He went for a short tour in the South. 他到南方去作短期旅行。
- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas military bases. 一个棒球明星团将要到海外军事基地作巡回表演。
- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas army bases. 一个由棒球明星组成的访问团将要到海外军事基地去作巡回表演。
- A group of baseball stars will tour overseas army bases . 一个由棒球明星组成的访问团将要到海外军事基地去作巡回表演。
- This article gives you a short tour of the enhancements made in LEI 7. 本文简要介绍LEI 7中的增强功能。
- Air Force Overseas Short Tour Ribbon 空军海外短期服役勋表
- Persons on an official tour overseas are quarantined for medical observation for necessary days together with their families. 因公出差海外国家的个人与其家人需要接受一定时间的医疗观察检疫。
- Do you have short tours? Maybe less than two hours? 你们有没有短程的旅行团?也许在二个小时以内的。
- Even when some of the treasures of Tutankhamun went on tour overseas in the 1970s, some people were still of the belief that the curse might be at work. 对,他们没说错。可是,他们忘记了他们的谁谁谁不是像他们这样懒惰而不学习,而是想学而没得学!不是家境贫穷,就是重男轻女,好学的心,在一次又一次的难关中缩小,最后消失。
- Wherever possible, newly arrived American personnel were taken on a short tour through Britain's bombed areas. 只要可能,新到的美国人员,概予以一短期旅行经越英国的被炸地区。
- When saw to each one overseas return decoys, when serves ourmotherland with theirs knowledge, we profoundly realize the patrioticsentiment giant power. 当看到一个个海外归来的游子们,用他们的知识报效我们祖国时,我们更深刻地认识到了爱国情操的巨大动力。
- What is the minimum number of days that the shortest tour lasts? 最短的旅行最少是几天?
- But the sheffey regiment has from overseas return Shi Jun, in addition has “Dalian difficult adversary” nickname Wang Song, more sheffey regiment injects needle cardiotonic. 而谢菲联队拥有从国外归来的石俊,再加上具有“大连克星”外号的汪嵩,更为谢菲联队注射一针强心剂。
- The like ecology and require a short tour, with several points of interest, that are relatively close together,"said Kawabata. 旅游时间短,而且兴趣面广”。
- "Seaweed":The overseas return of because of academic educational background background not Gao, hard find out good the return to the fatherland of work study abroad a personnel. “海草”:海外归来的因学术学历背景不高、难以找到好工作的归国留学人员。
- A: Do you have short tours? Maybe less than two hours? 你们有没有短程的旅行团?也许在二个小时以内的。
- You begin a new job. Ask and answer questions during a short tour of the company given by your superior. Greet a new colleague and ask about internal company rules. 你开始一个新的工作。在简短参观公司时问及回答问题。问候新同事,询问公司内部规章。
- We arrived on time at 6PM. and there're already many visitors.After we greeted Mirca, we started to make a short tour of all the works, until the organizer was ready to give a talk. 当我们准时晚上六点抵达会场时,里面已经有不少人在等待,进去和蜜尔卡打个招呼,我们便迳自看起画来,同时并等待主办人致词。
- Woodhead Beijing Overseas returned 北京五合