- Shol Vlllage 雪城
- The waters of the Bramahputra River flowing through Lhokha's Chide Shol village have been brimming over into the fields. 雅鲁藏布江流过位于山南地区的姐德秀镇,由于江水漫滩,姐德秀人一直缺少耕田。
- This age-old handicraft practiced by the people of Chide Shol had remained virtually unchanged for hundreds of years, a life revolving around a small world of fabric. 古老的编织手艺,数百年不变地在当地人手中延续,这是一个生活在织物中的小世界。随着时代变迁,姐德秀以织业为中心的生活模式在发生变化。
- Architectural Decoration of Shol Village in the Potala Palace 布达拉宫雪城的建筑装饰