- Founder of the heterodox Shiite Muslim Shaykhi sect of Iran. 阿拉伯人,伊朗伊斯兰教什叶派的非正统支派谢赫教派(Shaykhi)创立者。
- Religion: Islam is the State Religion, Shiite Muslim 60%, Sunni Muslim 37%; other 3%. 宗教:什叶派穆斯林占60%25,逊尼派穆斯林占37%25,其它占3%25。
- Local police said the explosion occurred in the Shiite Muslim populated areas on behalf of Jokela. 当地警方说,爆炸发生在什叶派穆斯林聚居的凯拉代区。
- A bombing at a major Shiite Muslim mosque in Pakistan's largest city, Karachi, has left at least15 people dead and dozens injured. 在巴基斯坦最大城市----卡拉奇,一个什叶派穆斯林重要清真寺中,发生了炸弹袭击,造成了15人死亡,数十人受伤。
- A suspected suicide bomb blast ripped through a Shiite Muslim mosque during Friday prayers in the eastern Pakistani city of Sialkot, killing at least 25 people, police said. 巴基斯坦东部城市锡亚尔科特的一座什叶派清真寺当天遭到自杀式爆炸袭击,当时有许多什叶派穆斯林正在清真寺内作礼拜,警方说,爆炸至少造成25人死亡。
- Aides to a radical Shiite Muslim cleric meet with a key Sunni group in Iraq to ease sectarian tensions amid a spree of violence that's killed hundreds. 回教什叶基本教义派与重要逊尼派团体在伊拉克举行会议,目的在于弭平上百人因宗教狂热而牺牲的纷争。
- During the mass, Shiite Muslim leader Ammar al-Hakim, son of the head of Iraq's most powerful Shiite political organization, walked into the church. 在弥撒中,什叶派穆斯林领袖、也是伊拉克势力最大的什叶派政治组织领导人之子哈金步入教堂。
- Ahmadinejad\'s visit is the first to Iraq by an Iranian leader since Iran\'s 1979 revolution, which brought to power a government in Tehran overseen by Shiite Muslim clerics. 内贾德的访问是自伊朗1979年革命以来首位伊朗领导人出访伊拉克,那场革命使得一个受什叶派穆斯林教士监督的德黑兰政府得以上台。
- Shiite Muslim cleric Muqtada al-Sadr 什叶派穆斯林教长穆克塔达·萨德尔
- In the holy city of Karbala, thousands of Shiite Muslims demonstrated against the United States. 在圣城卡尔巴拉,数以千计的什叶派穆斯林示威反对美国政府。
- The Shiite Muslims who predominate there revere Hizbullah for pressuring Israel to withdraw in 2000. 控制此地区的什叶派穆斯林,因2000年真主党迫使以色列撤军的行为表示钦佩有加。
- MARKING MUHARRAM: Pakistani Shiite Muslims beat their chests during a Muharram procession in Lahore, Pakistan, Tuesday. 纪念穆哈兰月:什叶派穆斯林周二在巴基斯坦拉合尔以击打自己胸膛的方式来纪念穆哈兰月。
- Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it, effectively, holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, the Party of God. 伊朗在黎巴嫩驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
- Scores of Shiite Muslims have rioted at central Pakistan, a day after a suspected suicide bombing killed worshipers near a Shiite mosque. 在一个疑似自杀式炸弹杀死了在什叶派清真寺附近的朝拜者后的一天后,一些什叶派穆斯林在巴基斯坦中部地区发生了骚乱。
- Iran has Revolutionary Guards stationed in Lebanon and it,effectively,holds sway over extremist Shiite Moslem terrorist groups,such as Hezbollah,the Party of God. 伊朗在黎巴嫩驻有革命卫队,可以有效地左右走极端的穆斯林什叶派恐怖集团,例如真主党。
- Some local officials suggest the students were shot at because they were minority Shiite Muslims, a group that has been targeted by Sunni extremists in the past. 有些当地官员表示这些学生被射击时因为他们是少数的什叶派穆斯林,这个组织过去一直被逊尼派极端主义者攻击。
- Mohammed was the founder of the Muslim religion. 穆罕默德是伊斯兰教的创始人。
- BAGHDAD, Iraq Insurgents used the holiest day of the year for Shiite Muslims to mount a series of attacks that left at least 50 people dead across Iraq. 巴格达,伊拉克的起义者使用什叶派教徒穆斯林一年的最神圣的日子发动一系列攻击在伊拉克各地造成至少50人死亡。
- He renounced his religion and became a Muslim. 他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。
- Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different. 基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。