- Shenyang dim light of night 沈阳夜色
- What the dim light of night returns is tired, here static efface of quiet and secluded. 夜色归来的倦怠,在这里被静静抹去。
- Suddenly awakens in the sleep, in the pitch-dark room, alone closes right up against the quoin, is enjoying a tranquility which this dim light of night brings. 突然睡梦中惊醒, 在黑漆漆的房间里, 独自一人靠在角落里, 享受这夜特有的宁静。
- Actually, the such long dim light of night and not only then Harbin, Henan Province Zhoukou police the collective murder case's detection and trying are also like this long. 然而,事情的发生并不是如人们想象的那样简单,个中原委就是打人的主角是当地的警察。
- But the month the curved harbor, the dim light of night deep lights glisten, the Pearl of the Orient has not slept all night, is defending the promise which the vicissitudes fluctuate. 月而弯弯的海港,夜色深深灯火闪亮,东方之珠整夜未眠,守着沧海桑田变幻的诺言。
- The dim light of night the low key blooms luxuriously outside The window the mood like cocktail time overflows the color 夜色在窗外低调绽放奢华心情如鸡尾酒流光溢彩
- Dim light of night boundless, I hear after death as if to have an airedale in with me, hears father one to shout at suddenly: “you come up quickly!” 夜色苍茫里,我听见身后仿佛有一只大狗在跟着我,忽然听见父亲一声断喝:“你快上来!”
- 3.Of the head of a bed place always want romance and warmth some, what color of light pale pinkish purple can let the dim light of night is heavy become lightsome rise. 3.;床头的摆件总要浪漫和温馨些,淡淡的藕荷色能让夜色的沉重变得轻盈起来。
- She could see only the outline(s) of the trees in the dim light. 朦胧中她只看见树木的轮廓。
- Give me how to sit by your side, and bid my lips to do the work that can be done in silence and in dim light of stars. 容许我坐在你的旁边,容许我的唇儿做那在沉默中、在星辰的微光中能做的工作吧。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon, and sat and talked of strange lands. 他们在新月的微光中在院里摊开席子,坐着谈论异地的风光。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon, and sat.and talked of strange lands. 他们就着新月的微光,在院里摊开席子,坐着谈论异性的风光。
- I then spoke on a Christmas theme in the dim light of a kerosene lantern with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. 然后,我就在煤油灯的微弱光线下,用我可以做到的最大的激情,跟他们讲关于圣诞节的事情。
- It was the sort of night when phantoms might walk. 这种夜晚正是幽灵出没的时候。
- Small as the room was, the corners were dusky and shadowy in the dim light of the cauliflower-headed candle. 尽管房间很小,在那花椰菜头似的蜡烛的昏暗光线里,各个角落还是黑暗朦胧的。
- They spread their mats in the courtyard in the dim light of the early moon,and sat and talked of strange lands. 在新月暗淡的清光中,他们在院里铺开席子,坐着谈论陌生的国度。
- Rebury hastily at dead of night. 在深夜匆匆再予埋葬。
- The attack was made under favor of night. 进攻是在黑夜的掩护下进行的。
- One day a man saw an old lady, stranded on the side of the road, but even in the dim light of day, he could see she needed help. 一天,一位男士看到路旁站着一位老年女士,一筹莫展的样子,尽管光线微暗,也能看出她需要帮忙。
- By the dim light of the candle, a large tear could be distinguished on the pale and prostrate colonel's cheek, where it had trickled from his dead eye. 从那朦胧的烛光中,可以看到在躺着不动、颜色惨白的上校的脸上,有一大颗从那死了的眼里流出的泪珠。