- Shen Fu xiong Ze Injection 参附芎泽注射液
- Sene el dance gestures are mostly extracted from life, such as the most common are entrusted cap type, Wan Xiu-style, pull skirt type, observation type, Fu Xiong type, and so. 当表演到高潮时,舞者一腿跪蹲,手在腹前击掌耸肩,然后双手向下打开成右手抬至头上方绕腕,左手指扶于膝上,轻轻移颈二次。
- Keywords @Shen Fu Injection;Abdominal-aortae-constriction;myocardial rempdeling;cell signal transmission; 参附注射液;腹主动脉缩窄;心肌重塑;细胞信号转导;
- Observation on Curative Effect of Shen Fu Injection on Obstinate Congestive Heart Failure through IV by Means of the Microinjection Pump 微量注射泵静脉注射参附注射液治疗顽固性充血性心力衰竭的疗效观察
- The treatment of chronic arrhythmia with Shen Fu Tang: 62 cases reported 参附汤为主治疗缓慢性心律失常62例
- Innate brand one "shen tong" and "xiong xiong". 自有品牌“神童”及“雄熊”。
- Shen Fu Injection 参附注射液
- His Chinese kung fu is peerless. 他的中国功夫是无敌的。
- Subject_Topical_Eng: Shanghai Lvlei Biomedical Technology &Development Co., Ltd.;Lvlei shen fu Capsule;Natural Viagra;Vigabatrin 上海绿蕾生物制药科技发展有限公司;绿蕾3号胶囊;绿蕾参附胶囊;天然伟哥;氨己烯酸
- Did you have gas or an injection? 你是用的麻醉气还是打的麻醉针?
- I had a bad reaction after my typhoid injection. 我注射了伤寒针剂后产生了不良反应。
- The morphine was administered by injection. 那吗啡是注射进去的。
- We may say "xiong xiong huo yan" (a raging blaze). 我们还可以说熊熊的火焰。
- Shen Fu 沈复
- Welcome to ze ke tai One Middle School! 欢迎你到则克台一中来!联系电话
- Fu became the first woman diver to win golds at three consecutive Olympics and Xiong was the first diver to win medals at four Olympics. 伏明霞成为了第一个蝉联三届奥运会金牌的女子跳水皇后,而熊倪则成了第一个在奥运会上四次获奖的选手。
- Liefde is blind,darrom kan ze mij niet vinden. 爱情是盲目的,所以她找不到我。
- Luo shen fu 地理文化
- Zhang Jia Kou Sheng Ze Wooled Leather Co. 河北省宣化位于长城脚下,属京畿之地,素有“北方皮都”之称。