- She got married at eighteen. 她十八岁时结的婚。
- Madam Wang is over 40 years old. She has lived in Hale Village since she got married at her 18 years old. 王喜莲今年40多岁,18岁那年她嫁到了哈勒村。
- She got married at 25. 她25岁结的婚。
- My grandmother got married at the age of seventeen. 我的祖母十七岁就结婚了。
- Her father supported her until she got married. 她父亲抚养她直到她结婚。
- I saw her often when she was at school and university, but after she got married I lost track. 她读中学和上大学时我还常见着她,但自从她结婚后,我就和她失去了联系。
- She has become an awful bore since she got married to him. 她自从和他结婚后,就变得令人厌烦透了。
- My sister worked as a nurse before she got married. 我的姐妹结婚前是一名护士。
- I got married at the age of thirty. 我是在而立之年结婚的。
- They have no intention of getting married at present. 他们目前没有结婚的打算。
- Betty had her eyes open when she got married. 贝蒂明知结婚的后果,但仍结了婚。
- The office gave her a present when she got married. 她结婚时,公司送给她一件礼品。
- Get a load of this: she got married yesterday! 听着,她昨天结婚了!
- She has changed her tune about children since she got married and had her own. 自从结婚生子之後她已经改变了对孩子的论调。
- As with my mother did, my sister got married at the age of 19. 跟妈妈当年一样,姐姐19岁时就结了婚。
- She didn't give up her job when she got married. 她未因结婚而放弃工作。
- Marie changed her name when she got married. 玛丽婚后改了姓。
- She got married to a man from her hometown. 她与一个同乡结婚了。
- I heard she got married last week. 我听说她上星期结婚了。
- On October 1st 1980, she got married with Li Qiang. 在1980年10月1日,她与李强结了婚。