- She appears quite doddery. 她显得十分衰老。
- 1. She appears quite doddery . 她显得十分衰老。
- She appear quite well. 她看来很好。
- She appears quite outgoing . 她好像性格开朗。
- She appear quite outgoing. 她好像性格开朗。
- She appear in court on a perjury charge. 她因被指控做了伪证而出庭受审。
- She appears to the eye to be a good teacher, but she may not be. 她看起来好像是个好老师,但她未必是。
- She appears on TV at seven every evening. 她每晚7点在电视上露面。
- The moon appears quite small tonight. 今晚的月亮显得很小。
- Is he new here? He appears quite nerdy. 这是新来的员工吧,满身书生气。
- She appeared composed and self-possessed before the large audience. 在大批观众面前,她显得很沉着安详。
- You don't deserve her, but she appears to love you. 虽然你配不上她,可她也许真的喜欢你。
- She appears to have caught cold. 她似乎感冒了。
- She appears promptly at eight each day. 她每天八点准时到。
- She appears to be ignorant of this fact. 她似乎不知道这件事实。
- She appears to have many friends. 她好像有很多朋友。
- Their carriage to me appeared quite altered. 她们待我的态度也大大改变了。
- She appears to be very embarrassed. 她显得很不好意思的样子.
- He appeared quite moved and a bit shaken. 他看上去很受感动的样子,还有一点颤抖。
- Though badly frightened, she appeared outwardly calm. 她虽然非常害怕,但表面上还是显得很镇静。