- She worked like a robot. 她工作起来如同一个机器人。
- She worked like a demon all through rehearsals. 她每次排演时始终精力过人。
- She works like a horse all day long. 她整天辛辛苦苦地干活。
- She is quite old,none the less she works like a young woman. 她虽然很老,但还像年青人一样地工作。
- She is quite old, none the less she works like a young woman. 她虽然很老,但还像年青人一样地工作。
- Those new pills you gave me worked like a charm. 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
- She worked like hell for her exams. 她为了考试而拼命复习。
- He spoke slowly and he sounded a bit like a robot. 他说话慢腾腾的,有点像机器人。
- He worked like a black from the time he was twelve. 他从12岁起就拼命干活了。
- This machine works like a charm. 这台机器用起来可神了。
- She works like anything when she's interested. 她感兴趣时会拼命地工作。
- Those new pill you give me work like a charm. 你给我的那些新药丸真是药到病除。
- My little plan worked like a charm. 我的小计划巧夺天工。
- She is working like a horse as a lawyer. 作为一名律师,她努力地工作着。
- She is working like a horse for the boss. 她为主人辛勤工作着。
- I'm sorry. She worked like a dog for 5 or 6 years to build up a business, 不好意思,她累死累活的工作了5,6年去搞翻事业
- I would work like a dog to make good. 为达到目的,我要拼命干。
- It is impossible for a robot to have intelligence like a man. 有完全智能的机器是不可能的
- Do they make you work like a dog? 你认为在学院里辛苦?
- But emotions don't seem like a very useful simulation for a robot. 但是对一个机器人来说,感情不像是个有用的模拟物品。