- She was ruined for life. 她的一生给毁了。
- She was bound to this man for life. 她不得不跟他一起过一辈子啦。
- She survived the accident but she was maimed for life and will never walk again. 她在意外事故中大难不死,但却终身残废,再也不能行走了。
- After the car accident,she was maimed for life and could not walk. 车祸以后,她终身残废,不能行走。
- After the car accident she was maimed for life and could not walk. 车祸以后,她终身残废,不能行走。
- I felt sure she would be ruined for a generation by such a plunge, and this proved true. 我确信由于这样的一次冒进,它将遭到毁灭达一个世纪之久,而这已经被证明是真实的。
- Cathleen shook her head violently. “But she was ruined just the same,” she hissed back. 凯丝琳使劲地摇头。“但是她也一样被毁了”。她轻声地回答。
- She said she was ruined by the man.She had no face to live in the world.She had no pluck to face her parents. 她说自己被那厮毁了,已经无颜面对人生,也没有勇气面对自己的父母。
- The outing was ruined for everyone by a drunken tramp who imposed his company on the party and could not be shaken off. 大家郊游的兴致全被一个醉醺醺的流浪汉给搅了,他死缠着大伙儿不走,甩都甩不掉。
- The vessel was ruined by a submarine. 那艘船是被潜水艇毁坏的。
- The hunt for the lost child continued until she was found. 寻找失踪儿童的工作一直持续到将她找到为止。
- He was banished (from his homeland) for life. 他被终生流放(他乡).
- These changes spell ruin for the company. 这些变化意味着该公司破产。
- She was kept in for an hour for talking in class. 她因上课说话被罚留校一小时。
- The picture was ruined by several blots of ink. 几滴墨水点毁了这幅画。
- Marry him, and she'll be set up for life. 嫁给他,她下半辈子就衣食无忧了。
- She was ruined by a rascal. 她被一个流氓引诱而失去了贞操。
- His father's money left Jim well set up for life. 吉姆的父亲给他留下一大笔钱,足以供他生活一辈子。
- The scandal branded him for life. 这件丑事使他终生蒙受耻辱。
- Ew. That'll be chicken ruined for me. 呃 鸡肉都吃腻了(那我可不敢恭维)。我去拿鞋。