- She was left standing there. 她被留下来在那儿站着。
- Some gentlemen were conferring close at hand, but took no notice of her. She was left standing, gazing nervously upon the floor. 有几位先生就在旁边商量着什么,但是没人注意到她。她一个人站在那里,眼睛局促不安地朝下垂着。
- She was left to sweep up after the party. 聚会结束后她被留下来打扫。
- Not a building nor a tree was left standing. 没有一栋房屋一棵树仍然站着没倒。
- She was getting a bit dotty and could never be left alone. 她越来越见傻,决不可无人照看。
- After the bombing only a few houses were left standing. 轰炸之後,只剩下几所房子没倒塌。
- She was left a big fortune by her husband. 她继承了她丈夫遗留的钜额财产。
- Now she was left alone with her little child. 现在只剩她和孩子在一起了。
- Few houses were left standing after the bomb hit. 空袭之后,房子几乎一所不留。
- She was left an orphan and I adopted her. 她沦为孤儿,我收养了她。
- I don't know how the story got about that she was leaving. 我不知道她将离去的消息是怎么传播开来的。
- She was left to herself to brood and wonder. 她只有独自一个在那里沉思和惊讶。
- She was left feeling exposed and vulnerable. 她感到自己孤立无助,非常脆弱。
- After the bombing only a few house are left stand. 轰炸之后, 只剩下几所房子没倒塌。
- After the bombing only a few houses are left stand. 轰炸之后,只剩下几所房子没倒塌。
- She was left feeling inept and inadequate. 她被弄得感到笨拙无能。
- She was standing there holding one hand on the back of the seat to steady herself in the swaying coach. 她站在那里,一只手扶着座背,以便在摇晃的车厢里保持身体平衡。
- I did not pick her up. She was left on my hands. 我没有捡到她。她被留在我手上。
- The shootout is here. The dust will settle and only one will be left standing. 战争就此开始。此地即将尘土飞扬,只有一个胜者留下。
- She gaily announced that she was leaving the next day. 她轻率地宣布第二天就要走了。