- She was filing her nails. 她在锉指甲。
- She was seated in the foyer, and when she was not fixing appointments, was busy filing her nails. 她没有接待任务时,就坐在休息大厅里用锉刀修整指甲。
- She was gnawing her nails nervously. 她正在神经质地咬指甲。
- She was paring her nails with nailscissors. 她正在用指甲刀修指甲。
- She was sitting manicuring her nails. 她正坐着修指甲。
- She was paring her nails with nail scissors. 她正在用指甲刀修指甲。
- She was sitting at her desk varnishing her nails. 她坐在书桌旁;涂着指甲油.
- She was thought to be file most suitable person for the job. 大家认为她是最适合做这工作的人。
- She was very systematic in the way she filed her documents. 她在归档文件的时候非常有条理。
- Mr. and Mrs. Mace, dressed up and ready to leave. Candy files her nails on the couch. Ralph, Jr. watches TV and eats chips. 梅斯夫妇盛装打扮,准备出门。凯蒂正在给沙发椅钉钉子。小拉尔夫在看电视,吃薯片。
- She saw that she was tired of the endless knitting and the endless bandage rolling and lint picking that roughened the cuticle of her nails. 她知道自己已厌倦于无穷无尽的编织,无穷无尽地卷绷带和刷整棉布,以致把手指都磨粗了。
- As she spoke thus, she was twisting the bill about in her hands with an embarrassed air, and making creases in it with her nails. 她一面这样说,一面带着为难的样子,把那张账单拿在手里翻来复去,并用指甲掐着它,折了又折。
- She has bitten her nails (down) to the quick. 她咬指甲(一直)咬到肉。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- She used a file to make her nails look pretty. 她用锉刀把指甲修得漂亮。
- She was in league with her mother to embarrass me. 她和她母亲联合起来叫我下不了台。
- No one understood how she was still alive without eating, until they realized that she only liked the damp earth of the garden and the pieces of lime that she scratched off the walls with her nails. 大家都不明白为什么她不吃东西还能存活,直到后来才知道,她只喜欢吃花园里潮湿的泥土和她用手指甲从墙上刮下来的石灰。
- She was envious of her sister's new job. 她很羡慕姐姐的新工作。
- She was full of shame at her bad behavior. 她对自己的不良行为感到羞耻。
- She instinctively darts her nails at his face. 她本能地要抓他的脸。