- She was dying for a drink. 她口渴得要命。
- She was dying for a break having worked so harm for so long a time. 劳累了这么长的时间她真希望能歇一会儿。
- I am dying for a box of chocolates. She was dying to see the exhibit. 我非常想得到一盒巧克力;她非常想去看展览
- She dying for a cigarette; I was dying to leave. 她渴望一支香烟;我渴望离开。
- He was dying for a drink. 他很渴望喝点酒。
- I am dying for a visit to Disney wonderland. 我真想去游览迪斯尼游乐场。
- I've been dying for a vacation for years. 我多年来一直渴望着一个假期。
- be parched with thirst; be dying for a drink 渴得要死
- I am dying for a chance to pummel that guy. 我很想要有一个机会打那家伙。
- I am dying for a visit to Disney Wonderland . 我真想去游览迪斯尼游乐
- I am dying for a box of chocolates. 我好想要有一盒巧克力。
- She was wearing a dress to die for. 她穿了一条漂亮得要命的连衣裙。
- After work we all beetle off for a drink. 下班之后我们都急忙赶去喝几杯。
- She was in mourning for a month. 她服丧一个月。
- She was ill for a month, but she's all right now. 她病了一个月,但现在好了。
- I thought I'd drop over for a drink. 我想我要来找你喝一杯。
- After hours of working in the hot sun,the men were dying for a cold beer. 在炎热的太阳下工作数小时后,人们真想喝上一杯冰镇啤酒。
- After hours of working in the hot sun, the men were dying for a cold beer. 在炎热的太阳下工作数小时后,人们真想喝上一杯冰镇啤酒。
- She was dying of the curiosity to know where we had been. 她十分急于想知道我们去哪儿了。
- After her operation, she was confined to bed for a week. 她手术之後已卧床一星期了。