- She was burnt out. 她垮掉了。
- The family was burnt out (of house and home) and forced to leave the area. 这家人因为房子被人放火烧了,不得不离开这个地区。
- The house was burnt out last month. 那座房子上个月给烧毁了。
- Burn out All of his wealth was burnt out. 他所有的财产都被烧光了。
- The building was burnt out and only the walls remained. 这幢房子被烧得只剩下断垣残壁。
- The building was burnt out and only a wall remained. 大楼被烧毁了,只有一堵墙留了下来。
- She was burnt in a raging fire while working in a factory. 她在工厂工作时被烈火烧伤了。
- The Christmas tree caught fire, and the family was burned out. 圣诞树着了火,全家都被迫逃了出来。
- I am burnt out after the long walk. 走了这么长的路后,我累坏了。
- She was burned at the stake for heresy in the 14th century. 她在十四世纪因信仰异教而被处火刑。
- The electric motor has been burnt out. 电动机已经给烧坏了。
- All of our light bulbs are burnt out. 我们所有的灯炮都烧坏了。
- Two of the enemy tanks were burnt out. 两辆敌人的坦克被烧成了空壳。
- Before liberation inhabitants in this district were burnt out and were forced to live with relatives. 解放前这个地区的居民因火烧而无家可归不得不住到亲戚那儿去。
- She was burning with her situation. 她对她的处境十分焦虑。
- She was burning with anger; He was burning to try out his new skies. 她因生气而激动;他激动于试验他的新天空。
- The shopkeeper was burned out by arsonists. 店主被纵火犯逐出商店
- The house was burned out only walls left. 房子被了只剩下墙壁。
- The family were burnt out of their home twice last year. 去年这家人两次被大火烧得流离失所。
- He was burned out after working late. 漫长的工作让他筋疲力尽。