- She was at least comfortable. 她至少是还舒服的。
- She was at least that much shorter than me. 她至少要比我矮这么多。
- She did not do the part as she had at rehearsal, but she was better. The audience was at least not irritated. 她演得没有排演时那么好,但比刚才强多了,观众至少没有反感。
- She must be at least thirty-five years old. 她至少有三十五岁了。
- She did a lot of acting while she was at college. 她在念大学时演过很多次戏剧。
- She used to run when she was at college. 她上大学时经常练跑步。
- She was at the mercy of her cruel husband. 她任凭残酷的丈夫摆布。
- Lucy: But she must be at least forty. 露西:但她至少有四十岁了。
- I was/lived in awe of my father until I was at least fifteen. 我至少在十五岁以前一直惧怕父亲。
- She was at pains to stress the benefits of the scheme. 她极力强调该计画的好处。
- She says she trafficked four.The police say it was at least 32. 安娜说自己只贩卖了四个,而警方说至少有32个。
- Juliana knew afterwards that there were at least three other peoplewho were not killed in the crash, but she was the only one who gotrescued. 之后,朱莉安娜得知在那次坠机事件中,至少还有另外三人没有摔死,但只有她一个人得救了。
- When her son returned she was at last free from anxiety. 她儿子回来了,她总算解除了忧虑。
- When the young waitress in the cafe in Toms building started waving hello everyday, Tom was flattered, for she was at least 15 years younger than he. 汤姆那幢楼里有一家咖啡厅,当咖啡厅的那个年轻女招待开始每天向他挥手致意时,他感到受宠若惊,因为她至少比他小15岁呢。
- I was at least as amazed as his fellow bandits. 我像他的匪徒伙伴一样诧异。
- For one woman, it happened when she was told by a solicitous male supervisor that in order to succeed in her job she would have to be “at least twice as good as any of the men. 对于一名妇女来说,当关心她的男上司告诉她要做一名合格的雇员,她得比男同事付出多一倍的努力时,她顿时明白过来了。
- She was at home with everybody in the place. 她和那里的每个人都混得很熟。
- He was at least brought to book for his crimes. 他至少要因为他所犯下的罪而受到惩罚。
- The diameter was at least half a foot wide. 直径最少有半英尺宽。
- She did a lot of actings while she was at college. 她在念大学时演过很多次戏剧。